Saturday, 8 March 2025

Renounce that sin!

 “And Peter answered them, Repent (change your views and purpose to accept the will of God in your inner selves instead of rejecting it) and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of and release from your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38 AMP


If you want to walk the path of authentic Christianity, you cannot continue in sin. The spiritual journey does not make provision for it. What Peter said in the above passage still applies today. You must repent, renounce your sins, and believe that through the finished work of Christ at Calvary, all your sins were forgiven and you have been released from your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


If you desire to follow Christ and forge an intimate relationship with Him you cannot continue in sin (see 1 John 3:6). Do not believe that you can habitually be in sin and abide in, know, and have a close personal relationship with Jesus. Know that if you are, then you are deceiving yourself and the Holy Spirit is not in you.


Understand that you cannot have it both ways – you cannot have the Holy Spirit and unholy sin. Make a choice now! Holding on to even one known sin bars you from receiving the gift. Sin is sin, there are no little sins or big sins. There may be sins that concern little things but all sin is rebellion against God. Renounce that sin!

“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 NIV


Do not attempt to hide your sins from God; that’s pointless. Instead, ask God to search your heart and reveal to you any sin – un-confessed, unintentional, deliberate – or anything whatsoever that is a matter of controversy between you and Him and be quick to confess and renounce them all.







Shelley Johnson “Renounce that sin!”  ©2013 16-Apr-13

Friday, 7 March 2025

It's a Gift (revisited)

 Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For it is by grace that you are saved through faith. And this is not of yourselves but it is the gift of God; not because of works lest any man should boast.”

Grace is God’s gift to us, given willingly without the expectation of payment. It is the wonderful gift of His divine empowerment, which enables us to receive the revelation of faith we require, to believe that Jesus Christ died to save us.

Man cannot save himself nor can man save any other man, no matter what he may do. Grace brings us to the realization that we are in need of a Saviour – we are saved through faith in the power of the blood of God’s own Son Jesus.

Grace is a divine enablement that came by Jesus. We cannot earn God’s grace, it’s a gift, it’s free! The Bible tells us that grace is no longer grace if our works are involved (see Romans 11:6).

Let us, during this sacred season of Lent, determine to gain a better understanding of this Truth of salvation by meditating upon God’s wonderful gift of grace.

Shelley Johnson "It's a Gift" © February 22, 2013

Tuesday, 4 March 2025


Eyes are the ability to perceive and discern spiritual things. Like the ability to hear, the ability to see is a God given gift.

Jesus said,

“…whoever has [spiritual wisdom because he is receptive to God’s word], to him more will be given, and he will be richly and abundantly supplied; but whoever does not have [spiritual wisdom because he has devalued God’s word], even what he has will be taken away from him…because while [having the power of] seeing they do not see…” – Matthew 13:12, 13 (AMP)

Oftentimes we believe that we are receptive to God’s Word because we are avid churchgoers, yet our understanding of basic biblical principles is negligible, and our spiritual perception is non-existent.

How are so many in church not able to see?

They do not see because they lack spiritual wisdom; they neither value God nor His Word as they ought to. They hear but do not listen and just as their ears are blocked, so their eyes are closed. They have an intimate relationship with church and the things of church but no genuine desire for intimacy with God. They are as lukewarm as the Laodiceans of Revelation chapter 3.

The truth is, God is pleased to give us His gift of seeing but we need to want it, otherwise we will not receive it. And God knows what is in your heart, so saying yes by mouth but it’s really no in your heart cannot work. God isn’t deceived by your pretence.

God wants to reveal things to believers that are beyond the limitations of natural vision but He is not about to entrust us with such a powerful gift.

Why? Jesus, quoting Isaiah’s prophecy, put it this way…

“This people…will look and look, but not see, because their minds are dull…and have closed their eyes. Otherwise, their eyes would see…their minds would understand, and they would turn to me, says God, and I would heal them.” – Matthew 13:

According to Isaiah, dull mindedness which results in closed eyes, is a malady that is not uncommon within the Body of Christ.

Beloved this is a condition we can pass on for without spiritual eyes, you can neither see nor understand spiritual things. We should all want to possess this vital gift, so we need to pray for our spiritual eyes to be opened and for the ability to see and understand spiritual things.

Only then can we, “Go ahead—see again!” – Luke 18:42 (GNT)



Shelley Johnson “Eyes” © March 2, 2025




Monday, 3 March 2025


There are 52 Sundays in a 365-day year, there may be an extra day which could be a Sunday but could be any other day as well, so we’ll settle for the 52. Agreed? Now, I know that there are some people who go to church every Sunday. So, for 52 days they attend church religiously. Religiously…yes that is the correct word. Religiously, because they hear the Word of God preached repeatedly 52 times, yet they understand absolutely nothing biblical, far less spiritual.

A few years ago, at bible study, someone related an incident where a burglar entered a home, upon seeing said burglar, the owner of the home an elderly lady, started shouting out, “Jesus! Jesus!” and the intruder ran off. I, first-time attendee at this bible study, stood up and said, “Well that’s because at the Name of Jesus etc etc” and took my seat. A regular member of church and bible study then got up and said, “No no. The burglar ran away because the old lady reminded him of his own grandmother who would have taught him the prayer, Gentle Jesus meek and mild.” She, satisfied with her profundity, took her seat.

Sadly, there are too many persons in church who haven’t a clue. Whose “ears are hard of hearing”. They only hear with their natural ears. To be able to hear spiritually is a gift, without this gift, it is impossible to understand even the basic concepts of a spiritual nature.

“The knowledge about the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.” – Matthew 13:11 (GNT) Here, Jesus was responding to His disciples who had asked why He spoke in parables.

Going to church every single Sunday does not qualify you to receive this knowledge. What are you doing outside of the regular church service? Are you so attached to the brick and mortar that you are neglecting what is more important?

A man said to me, “I haven’t seen you in church”, my reply, “That’s because I wasn’t in church”, he continued, “But how you expect to get close to God if you don’t come to church?”, my response, “Don’t you understand that you can have a relationship with God outside of the building?” his response, dead silence.

Now please don’t get me wrong, I am certainly not advocating that you don’t attend church services, I am just saying that don’t just attend and do nothing else out of the church. You must do church otherwise, not just in a building that is designated a church. You can go into a church for an hour or mare for 52 Sundays in a non-leap year and leave the building 52 times and still have no understanding whatsoever of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Spiritual ears are God-given and there are very few churchgoers who, like Jesus’ first-century listeners, have this gift. Why? Jesus, quoting Isaiah’s prophecy, put it this way…

“This people will listen and listen, but not understand…because their minds are dull, and they have stopped up their ears...” – Matthew 13:14, 15 (GNT)

According to Isaiah, dull mindedness which results in blocked ears, is a malady that is not uncommon within the Body of Christ.

Beloved this is a condition we can pass on for without spiritual ears, you can neither hear nor understand spiritual things. We should all want to possess this vital gift, so we need to pray for our spiritual ears to be opened and for the ability to listen, hear and understand spiritual things.

Only then can we, “Listen…if you have ears!” – Matthew 11:15 (GNT)



Shelley Johnson “Ears” © March 2, 2025

Sunday, 2 March 2025

A Three-Day Journey

Perhaps you know the bible story of the prophet Jonah. Jonah was directed by God to warn the Ninevites of their impending destruction if they did not heed His warning.  Jonah did not like the Ninevites, he wanted God to destroy them. To avoid making this journey, Jonah decided to go in the opposite direction. In changing direction, he made a conscious decision to go contrary to God’s will and purpose.

How many times have you made a conscious decision to go contrary to God’s will and purpose? Oftentimes you know that you’re being lead in one direction, but you still go ahead and do what you want to do. We have all done that and some of us are still doing that because we just do not want to go where God has told us to go.

Understand that Jonah was God’s messenger, a well-established prophet of God yet he thought that he could run from God. He must have known that that was futile. He would have been keenly familiar with the Psalm that says,

“Where could I go to escape from you? Where could I get away from your presence? would be there;” (139:7, 8 GNT)

This was a journey outside of Jonah’s comfort zone, beyond his regular purview. Jonah’s disobedience cost him three days of darkness enclosed in a “fish’s belly” after which he was coughed up and embarked on the journey to Nineveh.

Scripture tells us that Nineveh was “an exceedingly large city, a three days’ walk across”, but after only one day of walking Jonah had completed his mission. You know that Jonah, if he had done what he was supposed to do in the first place, would not have put himself in that fish-belly mess.

You know that you would not have ended up in a fish-belly mess if you had just done what God had told you to do. What was the point of you wasting three days, or three months or three years or even three decades of your life running from God just because you wanted to do what you wanted to do?

Like Jonah, you may feel that you can outrun God, and He will allow you to run but only for a time, eventually you have to stop – He will stop you.

Jonah, when he obeyed, was able to complete a three-day journey in one day. He must have received supernatural help. God makes the impossible possible.

Beloved, when you obey God, and genuinely serve Him, He helps you and you will find much joy.

“God is…always ready to help…” – Psalm 46:1 (GNT)

“…where will my help come from? My help will come from the Lord…” – Psalm 121:1-2 (GNT)

“…you will find the joy that comes from serving me…” – Isaiah 58:14 (GNT)

Going in the wrong direction on purpose is not worth it, it only makes the journey more difficult. Don’t let disobedience hamper your walk.

 “You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You’re blessed when you follow his directions, doing your best to find him. That’s right—you don’t go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set.” (Psalm 119:1-2 MSG)




Shelley Johnson “A Three-Day Journey” © March 1, 2025


Saturday, 1 March 2025

The Journey or Part thereof

 That is why the Holy Spirit says, “Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled, when they tested me in the wilderness.” – Hebrews 3:7-8 (NLT)

The Christian walk is long because it is a life-long journey of total personal dedication to God to whom we offer up ourselves. The Journey can be very difficult at times, especially when it comes to being humbled, tried and persecuted in one way or another.

You can feel as though you are being ground fine into flour and baked at high temperature but still press on. Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in their fiery furnace experience, you will not be alone as the Holy Spirit walks with you every step of the way.

“When you go to war, your people will serve you willingly. You are arrayed in holy garments, and your strength will be renewed each day like the morning dew.” – Psalm 110:3 (NLT)

Spirit is your Person, serving you willingly, teaching, guiding, comforting and strengthening you.

It is a journey to the finish line of the good fight race. We must remain faithful as we “press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us” (Philippians 3:14 NLT)

On the Journey, you are set apart, that is, separate unto God. It is a journey into God, into unity and fellowship with Him.

Beloved, the Journey has so many moving parts that cannot be described or explained in a simple blog post, only part thereof.

Actually, no one can really describe or explain everything that it involves because though, we go through certain things in general, each individual journey is different. So don’t believe that your walk will be exactly like your friend’s walk but do believe that you will both be in the same place at the end, which is with Jesus in Paradise (see Luke 23:42-43).

Photo by O'Reilly Lewis

May God continue to bless you on your journey as you keep soaring toward the goal.

Amen †

Shelley Johnson “The Journey or Part thereof” © March 1, 2025



Friday, 28 February 2025

All things have become new…Just the Beginning (revisited)

Too often a person asks Jesus to come into his heart to become his personal Saviour, and then he goes right back to living a carnal (earthly) existence. He does not truly understand that the asking is just the beginning of the Christian Walk of being re-born.

Acceptance is the very first step on the journey to becoming a new creation in Christ, where the old things pass away and all things become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). The old you must give way to the new, and this can only be done through the renewing of your mind by the power of the Spirit of Christ now dwelling in you.

“…be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:2 (NIV)

It is an on-going process of transformation that has to take place if you are serious about your journey. It’s about changing the way you think because when your thinking is changed, your behaviour will change.

“For as he thinks within himself, so he is.” – Proverbs 23:7 (NASB)

This process affords you an understanding of the incredible depths of what Christ has done for you – the work of the cross is what enables your transformation. Your new existence begins with Jesus.

Now, the old you is tied to the flesh and what is carnal, and it is your natural tendency to cling to the old and familiar, but if this transformation is to work, you must allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in you. If your mind is still anchored in the old way you will never be able to apprehend the Kingdom and its principles. You see, It’s not an ordinary transformation, it is a spiritual transformation – the Holy Spirit striving with your flesh nature to break your carnal will and develop the mind of Christ in you.

Paul tells us in Galatians 2:20 (NLT),

“My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

And Jesus tells us in Luke 9:23 (NLT),

"If any of you wants to be My follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow Me.”

Your old self must be crucified day by day through the powerful work of Christ’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, who begins His work of transforming you from the inside out, that’s why to the natural eye the old you still seems to exist. Spirit works deep within you to give you a new heart and a new spirit, to put God’s law in your mind and write it on your heart (Ezekiel 36:26; Jeremiah 31:33) – transforming you from the old life to the new (see Ephesians 4:17-24).

You are being born again, re-born from above, so do not reject the moving of Spirit in you. He is recreating you so that you may be one with Christ, abiding in Him and He in you in the heavenly places with Him (Ephesians 2), where all things become new.



Shelley Johnson “All things have become new…Just the Beginning” © 2013

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

The Romans Road (revisited)

 As you know, there were six days of creation. And do you know that there are six steps to your re-creation? Yes, it’s six steps on the road to your re-birth, to a new creation – a new you, a new person – salvation.

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! – 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

God, in His goodness to all mankind, has laid down a road to salvation, upon which anyone may travel. This well paved road can be found in the inspired words Paul recorded in his letter to the Christians in Rome. The Book of Romans is filled with craftily written verses that, when placed together, can help us understand the incredible message of Salvation. Along this road to Salvation – The Romans Road – God wants us to understand that,

1. Romans 1:21 (MSG)
What happened was this: People knew God perfectly well, but when they didn’t treat him like God, refusing to worship him, they trivialized themselves into silliness and confusion so that there was neither sense nor direction left in their lives. 

  • You come to the realization that without God in your life you really have no true direction – you’re lost, utterly lost

2. Romans 3:23 (NLT) 

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard.

  • You become keenly aware of your sinful nature and the fact that you are incapable of living the type of life God has designed for you to live – you know that a change of direction is needed and you actually begin to desire that change

3. Romans 5:8 (MSG)

God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him.

  • And with the desire comes a “knowing”. More and more you can’t shake this “knowing”…you just know that the way you’ve been living your life is not how you want to live anymore and you begin to feel conflicted; suddenly you start to sense the depth of God’s love for you – that God loved you so much that He sent His only Son to die for your sins, and now it becomes so clear to you – you are in need of God’s forgiveness; you want a new life, a real life 

4. Romans 6:23 (MSG)

Work hard for sin your whole life and your pension is death. But God’s gift is real life, eternal life, delivered by Jesus, our Master.

  • Enough said…you’re convinced, that’s what you long for, Life through Jesus Christ

5. Romans 10:9-10 (NLT) 

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. 

  • You cannot get over the stirring you feel deep inside you – you are sure of it and you’re compelled to answer the call and so you confess with your mouth what you believe in your heart – “Jesus is Lord! God raised Him from the dead!”

6. Romans 10:13 (NIV)

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

  • And you cry out to God with a penitent heart, "Lord save me!"

He saves you, and you are saved. 

The Romans Road is the beginning of your new life; the journey has only just begun. 

Amen †

Shelley Johnson "The Romans Road"  31-Jan-2016

(Photo at Nelson Island Trinidad by Shelley Johnson)

Seeing the Kingdom

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3 NKJV)

Under the cover of night, Nicodemus, a prominent leader, a Pharisee, came to Jesus. All that Jesus was doing had not just made him curious but had piqued his interest. Nicodemus wanted to know more; he desired a deeper understanding. I believe that Nicodemus, though puzzled, was hungry for it.

Jesus did not hesitate to go straight to the heart of the matter. “You cannot see the Kingdom…unless you are born again…you cannot enter the Kingdom unless you are born of water and of the Spirit” (see John 3:3,5)

Jesus revealed two truths that night which spoke of seeing and entering. But Jesus, in speaking to Nicodemus, was also alluding to something much deeper. You see Nicodemus, as mentioned earlier, was a Pharisee, a leader of the Jews, a Teacher of religion, yet he neither understood or knew these things.

Jesus was showing that one can be a teacher of Scripture and still not understand the simplest of truths it contains. How disconcerting is that to us who are dependant on our leaders’ interpretation of the Word? How many of our leaders, who bring the Word to us are struggling to understand the Word?

That may be a topic for another day.

Luke 17:20 tells us,

Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation”

Jesus is referring here to natural observation. We need God to open our spiritual eyes to see the Kingdom, and the realities contained therein. But, going back to John chapter 3, a spiritual birth must first take place. Jesus was speaking a language that was foreign to Nicodemus since he could not grasp what was being said to him.

Many of us are like Nicodemus in that our eyes are covered to the Kingdom;we don’t believe earthly things, therefore we will not believe heavenly things (see John 3:12).

Do you know who saw the Kingdom but never entered?

Asa Wright Nature Centre

Moses saw the Kingdom – the Promised Land- but never entered. We do not want to be like Moses, do we? We want to see and to enter, not in the future but now. Too many of us are born again statues. We remain in one position, doing the same things and saying the same things and expecting the same things. We are content with complacency and living on the edge of the Kingdom. Seeing the Kingdom but unable to enter the Kingdom.

We keep hitting the Rock instead of speaking to the Rock. We are stuck on the outskirts, and we cannot even recognize that that is where we are. We could be moving forward with our Living Lord but we’re too full of our own righteousness to realize that we are at a standstill.

We religiously prattle about this and that, sincerely believing that we are fluent in Jesus-talk, but we do not truly understand His language so we fail to follow His basic instructions, all the while, walking in our own created glory.

The fact is, we cannot see the Kingdom far less enter the Kingdom, without the Spirit. Seeing the Kingdom is seeing in the Spirit. This involves intimacy with the Spirit of Jesus Christ; we must desire more. We must be like Nicodemus in this regard. We need to become hungry not to just observe naturally, but to see spiritually…to hear and to talk and to walk in the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:8-9 (NLT)

But the rulers of this world have not understood it; if they had, they would not have crucified our glorious Lord. That is what the Scriptures mean when they say,

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.”


Amen †



Shelley Johnson “Seeing the Kingdom” © February 25, 2025



Tuesday, 25 February 2025

The Old gives way to the New

 The Cross signifies the death of the old and the birth of the new. Surely when we turn to Jesus, whose sacrifice on the cross made such provision for whosoever will, we are reborn, not as Nicodemus thought but as new creations, born from above in Christ. So, the old gives way to the new.

The new port in Kingstown photo by O'Reilly Lewis

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

This transformation in individuals is completely spiritual.

Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” (John 3:3 NIV)

Kingdom living is wrapped up in the New Covenant of Jesus and unlike our natural world, it is above the level of our physical senses. It can be perceived only in the Spirit.

The old, born after the flesh is tied to the flesh, and blind to spiritual concepts but the new, incomprehensible to the old, is born after the Spirit.

“So get rid of your old self, which made you live as you used to—the old self that was being destroyed by its deceitful desires. Your hearts and minds must be made completely new, and you must put on the new self, which is created in God's likeness and reveals itself in the true life that is upright and holy.” – Ephesians 4:22-24 (GNT)

Though you are a Christian if you are not “working with fear and trembling to complete your salvation” (see Philippians 2:12) then your mind remains trapped in the old and you will remain spiritually blind believing only what you want to believe, unable to see what God is showing you, where Spirit is leading you and what Spirit is teaching you.

Only a sincerely repentant heart and a true relationship with our living Lord can produce a revelation of the Kingdom.

The old must give way to the new. Spirit indeed lives in you but still strives with you to break the carnality so that your spirit-self can step forward into the new life.

Amen †

Shelley Johnson “The Old gives way to the New” ©February 25, 2025



Monday, 24 February 2025

Turn the Knob

You hand is on the door, but you must now choose to turn the knob and enter within. With the gift of freewill that choice is always yours.

Change frightens us. It is easier to remain where you have grown accustomed than to move into unfamiliar territory. If you are not ready, then remove your hand and walk away. If you are ready to trust God, even when He does not come in the way you expect, then stay at the door and turn the knob.

Turn the knob and open the door to a new life, a new landscape, and a renewed mindset. Turn the knob and open the door to healing, salvation, restoration of fellowship with God, the fullness and gifts of the Spirit and your restoration.

Your entry into this new level might seem lonely at times but it’s not a lonesome road, Spirit is with you every step of the way because it is only through His power that your life will be changed.

Please remember that even though you cross that threshold your transformation is not instantaneous. It is a process and the speed at which transformation happens is dependent on you. Furthermore, this is bespoke reprogramming, so your journey may be similar to someone else’s, but it is never the same and it’s certainly never corporate.

You may not feel the transforming power as it is taking place but know that once you enter within, Spirit begins to work at effecting that change. To effect this inner change is to go deep within the inner parts of your being, where the Holy Spirit dwells within your born again self.

The Kingdom of God is within you and this truth has nothing to do with your outward appearance but is all about your inner parts, your essence, your soul and your spirit.

1 Samuel 16:7 (NASB) states that “God does not see as man sees, since man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” He looks at your heart, not your physical heart but that place that Psalm 103 verse one describes as “all my inmost being”, it is the location of the deepest activity of Spirit.

“…though our outer person is decaying, yet our inner person is being renewed day by day.” – 2 Corinthians 4:16 (NASB)

It is daily renewal

“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” – Colossians 1:27 (NIV)

It is a revealing of Christ in you

Inside the heart of every believer is the Kingdom, the Power, the Glory, the Treasure (see Matthew 13:44), the Light (see John 8:12), the Spirit of the Son (see Galatians 4:6) and the Spirit of the Father (see Romans 8:11).

Turn the knob...

Amen †

Shelley Johnson “Turn the Knob” © February 23 & 24, 2025

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Where is The Kingdom of God?

“No one will say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’; because the Kingdom of God is within you.” – Luke 17:21 (GNT)

We’ve been searching for the keys to enter the Kingdom of God; to live the Kingdom lifestyle and all this time the Kingdom was in our midst, among us and within us? The Kingdom is here and is ours even now? Where is the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God has already come, and it is to come. Confused? Don’t be.

The Kingdom comes through Jesus Christ, and if you have already believed, accepted and received then “the Kingdom of God is within you”

Throwing your mind back, you must have had glimpses of it from time to time, but the time has come for you to experience its manifestation in your life in a much greater way. Instead of a mere glimpse, you want a full-blown look, a courtside view.

In a key teaching on the Kingdom, Jesus said,

“Truly I say to you, unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 18:3 (NASB)

“I have been told that complete mind renewal – heart transformation and reprogramming included – is the key to the Kingdom but now I’m to change and become like a child? But I am an adult, I can’t…”

Hold on, yes but why is Jesus using this analogy? What is He telling us? Jesus is saying that we must regain our ability to think as children think, not to be childish but to be child-like as in using our imagination.

Adults become logical thinkers; some people even describe themselves as realists. Adults throw off imaginations and turn to reasoning.

I worked with a guy who would sit at his desk staring off into a place that was not confined to his cubicle or the office and very often co-workers would describe him as a dreamer, saying, “He? He is always daydreaming and not doing his work.” Yet, he had the best results as a Loans Officer so, one day I decided that I will ask him what on earth he’s doing. His response was incredible to me. He said that it was not enough to just offer loans, you had to devise ways to sell these loans and yourself that were not typical, so he would imagine unconventional ways in which he could do that. I gained a certain respect for him that day.

Jesus spoke in pictures, His listeners could form pictures in their minds from everything that He said to them, and it was no different when He spoke of the Kingdom. Jesus related Kingdom truth in imagery that was familiar to those listening to Him and to us when we read His Word.

The use of imagery causes us to visually perceive in our minds, it forces us to use our imagination. Logic and reasoning will not work in this new land because there will be times when things will not make any logical sense to you.

You must remain open; harness the power of your imagination and enrich your mental capacity to see beyond what is directly in your physical line of sight. Imagination allows us to see things that are ethereal. Stepping into the landscape of your imagination is walking into the tangible manifestation of the Kingdom that is within you.

You are entering the other side of the Cross. The side where heaven begins to pour out the joy of the Presence, the indwelling and the manifestation of His glory, His goodness, His mercy and His grace in abundance. The "thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven" life that you, as a believer, is meant to live right here on earth. The Kingdom is a present-day concept and a future reality as it begins now and continues into the hereafter.

Your hand is on the inner door.

Are we ready, are you ready to go within?

Let’s go!



Shelley Johnson “Where is The Kingdom of God?” © February 22, 2025


Saturday, 22 February 2025

The Key

Glaring at us from the pulpit, their faces stern and their voices tinged with condemnation they thunder, “You must repent!”

Okay, but what exactly do they mean?

Then they continue, louder and sterner, “Cry out to God for forgiveness of your sinful ways and turn and go in the opposite direction! Repent now!”

Okay, we get it, but isn’t repentance more than crying over sin and going in the opposite direction? We need to take a step further as repentance also involves changing our thinking. To cry out for forgiveness, and to go in the opposite direction cannot be genuinely achieved and sustained if our hearts and minds are still stuck in the old mindset.

As we read in Ephesians 4:22-23 (GNT)

“So get rid of your old self, which made you live as you used to—the old self that was being destroyed by its deceitful desires. Your hearts and minds must be made completely new”

Understand that renewing your mind is not as simple as declaring, “I change my mind”, it is a process that does not happen overnight, and it is not something that you can do on our own. It is a continuous working in you by the Holy Spirit but you do have a part to play in all this, you have to be willing and determined to become new, in your thinking, in your doing, in your outlook; you need to want to be a new creation.

This process is an inside-out process where Spirit uproots and you let go, where Spirit replaces and you graciously receive, and where Spirit instructs and you humbly obey. It is a transformation which effects a major transition in your thinking; a reprogramming of you so that you may move into a higher level of living, Kingdom living.

Photo by O'Reilly Lewis

You must “set your hearts on the things that are in heaven” (Colossians 3:1) in order to see the manifestation of the Kingdom in your life. Your renewed mental disposition will affect not only your thinking but there will be a change in the way you pray and communicate with God and your fellow man. It is the key to your experiencing the Kingdom.

Let these words of Luke 17:20-21(GNT) soak in for the remainder of the day,

Some Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come. His answer was, “The Kingdom of God does not come in such a way as to be seen. No one will say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’; because the Kingdom of God is within you.”




Shelley Johnson “The Key” © February 22, 2025


Thursday, 20 February 2025

Enter the New Land

Jesus lived a perfect sinless life of obedience by keeping all the commandments which we were and are unable to keep. He covered our unrighteousness and through Him God imputes the righteousness of Christ to us the moment we believe, accept and receive Christ.

We desperately need the righteousness of Christ if we are to be made right with God. And we desperately need to be right with God if we are to inhabit the new land. However, do not for one moment think that you can run off doing this good deed and that good thing to become righteous. No, none of your strivings can make you righteous because Adam’s sin was imputed to us, we have been tainted by sin and all that we do is sin-tainted.

Righteousness is a gift freely given to sinners by a gracious God and is received by means of believing in Jesus.

Apostle Paul put it this way,

“We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are…and he makes sinners right in his sight when they believe in Jesus.” – Romans 3:22, 26 (NLT)

(I encourage you to read all the verses, from 21 to 26)

Paul also tells us in Romans 5:20-21 (GNT)

“…where sin increased, God's grace increased much more. So then, just as sin ruled by means of death, so also God's grace rules by means of righteousness, leading us to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Eternal Life is for now, it’s not something we are given in the future. It too, like righteousness is a gift to be received when we are in Christ and He is in us. It is new life, a new way of living, a Kingdom lifestyle. A Son-sets-you-free life (see John 8:36).

“God has given us eternal life, and this life has its source in his Son. Whoever has the Son has this life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” – 1 John 5:11-12 (GNT)

God’s intention is to create a new family, a new tribe, in a new land – His Kingdom – and He wants you to be a part of it.

Are we ready, are you ready to embrace the freedom that comes from our relationship with Jesus, to accept His offer of the keys to the Kingdom, so that you may enter the new land?

Let’s go!


Shelley Johnson “Enter the New Land” © February 20, 2025



Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Break Down the Walls of Limitation

“…they raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat…” – Joshua 6:20 (NRSVUE)

What you just read is a small portion of the much bigger story of how the walls of Jericho were broken down.

We all have walls of Jericho which we need to break down if we are to live the life that God intended for us to live. These walls that we have erected keep us from moving forward and keep out the fullness of blessings we are due to receive. These are walls of limitation, and they need to fall.

When we break down the walls of limitation, it opens the way for us to cross over into the land of promise, into the Kingdom. However, even though it is we who build our own walls, it is almost impossible for us to break them down in our own strength. Like those Israelites, we need the power of God; without it, we labour in vain, and the Kingdom lifestyle will evade us.

Jesus epitomized Kingdom living, and each of us is responsible to pursue His lifestyle. Now you must be thinking or saying that okay but Jesus was God so it would have been easy for Him, but we must remember that Jesus, though He was God, He came to earth to live as a man. A man, just like you and just like me except for the sin part. A man who was faced with all sorts of varying human experiences. And as a man Jesus would have had certain limitations, everything we might face, He faced.

So, how was Jesus able to rise above and beyond His human limitations?

Jesus was in right relationship with God, the Father and was completely dependent on the Holy Spirit working in and through Him. This is what enabled Jesus to invade the impossible.

He is our example for what is possible, if He was solely God then for us everything that He did here on earth we would perceive as unattainable of accomplishing.

“Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.” – John 14:12 (NRSVUE)

Jesus has successfully dealt with sin on behalf of all who believe, now nothing separates us from the Father.

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever.” – John 14:16

Here, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to those who will follow Him. We must understand that Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross restored it all. Everything that the devil had stolen from man through the fall of Adam, Jesus got back for man but we now have to claim it.

These walls are serving no good purpose, they are only keeping us from our rightful inheritance and the wonderful promises of God through Jesus Christ.

There is no separation from God the Father, Jesus, the Son and our Saviour is willing, and the Holy Spirit is ready to work in us, through us and with us.

So, are we ready, are you ready to break down the walls of limitation by the power of the Three in One and enter into the new land?

Let’s go!

Shelley Johnson “Break Down the Walls of Limitation” © February 19, 2025



Tuesday, 18 February 2025

The Double-Sided Cross

The Israelites were brought out of Egypt and into the Promised Land, we too must be brought out of our Egypt, and into our Promised Land. However, this isn’t going to happen by wishful thinking. We must first come to the Cross, since it is only by it that we may gain access to this land of promise – the Kingdom.

In other words, there is no Kingdom without the Cross. They are two sides of the same coin so to speak.

The Cross is double-sided, but we do not realize this and what happens to most of us is that we remain on the one side, set up residence there, not understanding that the Cross is the entrance to Kingdom living.

We focus solely on Jesus’ death and forget about His resurrection. We sing songs lamenting about His Blood, which is indeed precious, but we forget to rejoice in songs that celebrate His glorious majesty. We are, unknowingly, building foundations on the wrong side of the Cross, neglecting to recognize that there is a whole beautiful world of milk and honey awaiting us if we would simply enter in by way of the Cross.

I dare suggest that perhaps religiosity has made us blind. Some of us are standing at the doorway yet we do not know that it is the doorway. The walls that we’ve subconsciously erected with all our church business has created a fog over everything that Jesus died for on the Cross.

On the one side, the side we are on, there is redemption through His Blood, but on the other side is where the Kingdom is; it’s where we find our inheritance; it’s where we are co-heirs with Christ; it’s where we are seated with Him in heavenly places.

Oh, my goodness! Why have we behaved like the old generation of Israelites who never entered the Promised Land? The journey was only supposed to take 11 days. They took 40 years, and that generation was only able to stand at the entrance, never going in. Today, we have the opportunity to cross over the threshold, to go beyond the Cross.

Look at Matthew 9:5, Jesus, healing a man, knowing the questioning hearts of the religious leaders said,

“For which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Stand up and walk’?

Do you see it? Do you see the two sides in what Jesus said? Read it again.

The one side…Redemption

‘Your sins are forgiven,’

The other side…Kingdom

‘Stand up and walk’

Jesus side steps all the religiousness and displays the aspect of the double-sided cross. He is opening our eyes to see the reality of the Kingdom.

Apostle Paul also demonstrated this feature of the Cross when he, describing his mission from Christ said,

I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me. – Acts 26:17-18 (NKJV)

I am sure you can see it now.

Jesus’ words to Paul, as His words to the scribes, show that the Cross is indeed double-sided and, it is clear that, He wants us to enter into the Kingdom side, for to remain on the other side is to defeat the whole purpose of the Cross.

Jesus hung on that Cross so that we could be redeemed and to open the Kingdom of heaven to us.

It is time for us all to realize that our exodus from Egypt is behind us. Our minds need to be renewed by Holy Spirit transforming power. We need a Kingdom living mindset.

So, are we ready, are you ready to break down the walls of limitation and cross over by way of the Cross into the new land?

Let’s go!




Shelley Johnson “The Double-Sided Cross” © February 17, 2025




Monday, 17 February 2025

Memorial Stones

The Red Sea was not the only waters that God opened up for His children to cross over, He also opened up the River Jordan, and after they crossed over, God instructed Joshua.

Twelve men from each of the tribes were to take twelve stones from the Jordan to be set up as a memorial.

Joshua 4:5-7 (NRSVUE)

Joshua said to them, “Pass on before the ark of the Lord your God into the middle of the Jordan, and each of you take up a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites, 6 so that this may be a sign among you. When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do those stones mean to you?’ 7 then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off in front of the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it crossed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall be to the Israelites a memorial forever.”

Sometimes it is necessary for us to review what God has done for us in the past. To take a look and see His handiwork in our lives. While we do this, we interact with God and this interaction triggers our memories and our lives are transformed.

That’s exactly what those memorial stones would have done for the Israelites. Those stones were not just to remind them but also were a remembrance for generations to come, as the verse says, “a memorial forever”.

We are to testify of the things that God has done in our lives. Spoken or written, our testimonies honour God and help others. Our memorial stones are reminders of Who God is.  

Start a journal, as your memorial stone, and read it often. Tell others of the goodness and faithfulness of God in your life. God is no respecter of persons, and our memorial stones will give others hope, build them up causing anticipation to increase and their focus to shift towards Him.

What God has done in our lives must never be forgotten or overlooked.






Shelley Johnson “Memorial Stones” © February 17, 2025


Sunday, 16 February 2025

Spiritual Food

In the book of Job chapter 23 verse12 we read,

“I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.”

Job was suffering through a great deal when he uttered these words, yet his commitment to God was unwavering. He relied on God’s revelation for his survival, he treasured the words that flowed from God’s mouth and valued them more than his daily bread.

Job understood that his greatest need was spiritual food.

That was exactly what God was instilling in the Israelites as they were wandering through the desert. He wanted them to hunger for Him and His Word of revelation more than they hungered for food. God was giving them a completely different perspective than what they had become accustomed to while they were slaves in Egypt.

It was necessary that everything Egypt be completely removed from their psyche, especially the slavish mentality.

What has enslaved you? Who has you in slavery? Perhaps it is you yourself? How do you see yourself?

“…We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes…” – Numbers 13:33 (NIV)

The Israelites saw themselves as less than, they saw themselves as small, they saw themselves as grasshoppers; do you?

Think about that for a moment.

You are more than a conqueror. Remember that.

God is ready to take you out of Egypt, however you must be willing to leave Egypt behind without griping and complaining, and you can neither bring along your golden calf nor create one. God cannot move you if you are still full of artifacts and hieroglyphics. Like the Israelites, you have to become humble enough in order to receive from Him.

The flow from the mouth of God is imparted to us personally but when we are full of stuff it cannot enter. It’s time to release some things, let go of other things and empty yourself.

Honestly, it will feel like a trek through the wilderness, but it is needed to create a humbleness deep within us, to establish a great dependence on God’s revelation so that we can keep moving forward. Job’s dependence on God’s daily revelation kept him moving forward until he was free to receive from God immeasurably more than he had had before his terrible ordeal.

God’s daily revelation in your life will effect a change that is life-altering.

God’s daily revelation enlarges our limited thinking

God’s daily revelation shuttles us out of our inherent complacency toward the abundant life Jesus provides for us

God’s daily revelation takes us from self-reliance to God-dependence

God’s daily revelation will heal the rift in our distorted perspective

God’s daily revelation allows us to take hold of the future before it even manifests, and enables us to call into being things that are not

God’s daily revelation is spiritual food – it sustains us

May we pray every day, “give us this day our daily bread”, for it is life-giving manna from heaven, our daily revelation from God, it is our spiritual food.

Amen †


Shelley Johnson “Spiritual Food” © February 15, 2025


Saturday, 15 February 2025

Manna Collection

“He humbled you by letting you hunger, then by feeding you with manna, with which neither you nor your ancestors were acquainted, in order to make you understand that one does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”
– Deuteronomy 8:3 (NRSV)

There is a lot that we can learn from the Israelites’ quest to reach the Promised Land, and this particular verse is a lesson for us today as it was for the sojourning Israelites then. We have an advantage over them though since we have the benefit of looking at what has already happened.

On their trek through the unforgiving wilderness, the Israelites experienced extreme hunger, for there was no food in this barren and desolate place, so they were absolutely dependant upon God, Who provided them with something called manna.

Each day they were responsible for collecting enough manna to satisfy their need for that day.

Deuteronomy 8:3 tells us that manna was something which neither they nor their ancestors had ever known about. And, this daily manna collection, would have been a brand-new concept for them to get used to.

We must understand that these Israelites, long enslaved in Egypt, would have had Egyptian habits and culture ingrained within them, for some that was all they knew. God had not only taken them out of Egypt but now had to take Egypt out of them. Getting people to change their ways is a hard nut to crack and so it was with these Israelites.

Lessons in humility were necessary, and starvation is a mighty effective tool in bringing persons to their knees.

From this verse, we see that manna is a metaphor for “the word that comes from the mouth of the Lord”. It represents the Rhema or spoken word of God, and their dependence on a daily ration of manna was a lesson for them as it is for us.

A daily dose of life-saving manna was their necessary food, and a daily dose of God’s Word is our lifesaver. We need to rely on His Word, it is our vital supply.  

Every Israelite had a responsibility to collect their own bit of manna every day and each one of us is responsible for our own manna collection, “every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord”, daily. 

Job 23:12 (NIV)

"I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread."

Understand that we cannot move into the spiritual promises of God on yesterday’s manna, so as we too move into our Promised Land, let us make it a habit to seek Him first every day to receive our food from heaven.

Our greatest need is spiritual food.

Amen †


Shelley Johnson “Manna Collection” © February 14, 2025



Friday, 14 February 2025

Don't go back

 I knew a guy, well I still know him, but our friendship has waned. I’ll tell you why.

As I was saying, I know a guy whose life was, more or less, in shambles. Everything was falling apart. Added to that he was frustrated in a relationship that, obvious to everyone but oblivious to him, had run its course. The relationship was toxic for years, and he knew that, but for whatever reason he found it hard to leave.

He was extremely unhappy, and being self-employed, in that emotional state, caused his business to suffer greatly. He found himself on the brink of collapse, both physically and financially. Then one day, he distinctly heard a voice telling him to leave. “Leave and don’t go back” was the urging. He knew for certain that he had heard from God. He left.

He broke off the dead-end relationship and, almost in an instant, everything turned around for him. It was as if that relationship had him, and all that concerned him stuck. It was truly amazing to witness how quickly his entire life made an about turn.

His business grew exponentially. He was doing quite well, happy and in good health. God’s hand was evident.

Then, he went back. What?!!!

Yes, he went back, and as quickly as his life had changed for the better, was as swiftly it degenerated. All the strides he had made went down the drain. Deals crumbled. Friendships were torn asunder (ours fell victim). Things became worse than they were before. 

And, what’s more unbelievable, he married the woman God had told him, in a clear audible voice, to leave. Even though he had undeniable proof that it was God who had spoken, he, after a conversation with said woman and her pastor, was convinced that God was telling him to marry her. Crazy right?

Friends, if God has told you something, then someone comes contradicting it, and you have not heard from God for yourself concerning this new word, then chances are it is not God.

This guy never once sought God himself, instead he just went along with someone else’s instruction. In doing so, he placed their word above God’s.

“Things will get better once you marry her. She will become a different person, you’ll see.” Was the Pastor’s “expert” marital advice. Those words were enough to persuade him to go back into a place from which God had removed him.

“The simple believe everything, but the clever consider their steps.” – Proverbs 14:15 (NRSV)

When God makes a way of escape and tells you, “Leave and don’t go back” unless God has an update, do not go back.

Lot’s wife was told to not look back and she did, not out of curiosity to see the fire and brimstone storm from heaven but she looked back yearning to go back. She became a salt pillar where she stood. Same as my “friend” who is now salty and stuck.

We must always follow God’s instruction. If God tells you to leave and don’t go back, then do just that. Yours may not be a romantic relationship but whatever situation God has taken you out of, whomever God has removed from your life, wherever God has instructed you to leave, don’t go back, don’t even look back. Turn away from it and keep walking.

There are consequences for doing otherwise which are often detrimental. While we can only see what page we are on, God sees the entire chapter, the whole book. He knows what the future holds, and it will augur well for us to pay attention and take heed to His Word.

When God gives you a word and you allow others to convince you otherwise, then you become subject to failure of all kinds.

The guy placed more value on the Pastor’s word because it was a Pastor. A man of God is not God.

Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 (NKJV),

“Test all things; hold fast what is good”

We are to examine all advice, all suggestions, all ideas, all beliefs, all things as to their authenticity. Test them against the standard of God’s Word. Go to God. Ask Him.

There is God’s way and then there is every other way. God’s way is best.

Painting by Kathyann Chevalier

“What a God! His road stretches straight and smooth. Every God-direction is road-tested. Everyone who runs toward him makes it.” – Psalm 18:30 (MSG)

Shelley Johnson “Don’t go back” © February 13, 2025