My friends, as you read today’s post you may realize that the subject matter is similar to the post before; clearly this subject is of grave importance to God and to all of us on this spiritual journey. Rejection is something that each one of us will inevitably have to deal with in one form or another. Jesus Himself encountered the most brutal manifestation of rejection and He was not shy in warning His disciples of it. Rejection comes with the spiritual walk package but we’re not to suffer dejection because of it, for Apostle Paul assures us that if God is on your side, there is no need for you to be afraid of anyone who comes against you (see Romans 8:29-31).
With this is mind, I want to encourage you to take heart when people, especially those close to you, do not see you as a person who has come to know God. Remember that they knew you from before and have already formed an impression of you so it’s difficult for them to even fathom that you can somehow change. Furthermore, if they do not understand that a person can be changed through the hand of God at work, they’ll be hard pressed to believe and will reject you, and, your explanation to them will not be received but please do not be dejected, think on Romans 8:29-31 and simply press on.
The Message translation of Matthew 10:14 is a fitting attitude to adopt when others reject you,
“If they don’t welcome you, quietly withdraw. Don’t make a scene. Shrug your shoulders and be on your way.”
Yes, quietly withdraw and be on your way. As the saying goes, “familiarity breeds contempt” and persons who know you hardly ever recognize you as someone who has a deep relationship with God, they can neither understand nor appreciate the new re-created you. They are unable to comprehend who you’ve become but you know you’ve changed, you can literally feel it. You’ve experienced a metamorphosis, an about turn – your views have changed, your very perception has been affected by your renewed spirit and you’re eager to declare,
“Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what He has done for my soul.” (Psalm 66:16 ESV)
Keep in mind however, that not everyone has that reverential fear of God and chances are that even though they come and hear, will not be able to grasp what you’ve experience since they’ve never had such an encounter themselves. Still, don’t be dejected by their rejection, instead continue to tell what God has done and is doing for your soul because you can feel the Life that is now inside you. You’re overwhelmed by its energy and its power – the Spirit of God working deep within, transforming you into a new creation, a vessel being properly molded to contain Him, “a vessel for honor, sanctified [set apart for a special purpose and], useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.” (2 Timothy 2:21 AMP).
My friend, you know who you are and to whom you belong so when people reject you, and they will, know that God has chosen you and you are precious to Him (1 Peter 2:4).
Rejected but not Dejected
Shelley Johnson June 19, 2017
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