You are God’s unique creation, wonderfully complex, an example of His marvelous workmanship and an imprint of His own image and likeness. There’s not another person in this world that’s like you, even if you’re an identical twin, you are still one of a kind. (see Psalm 139:13-18)
Jesus let us know in Matthew 22:39 that we are to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. Now the question is, do you love yourself? For how can you fulfill this great commandment to love, if you do not love yourself? Please do not confuse loving yourself with the kind self-love that is mired in vanity, self-centeredness, pride and arrogance – that’s a whole other topic. No this is about a love for self which promotes inner peace and contentment, love and compassion for others and most importantly love of God.
Sadly though, you look at yourself and you see only brokenness but that is not how God sees you. Beloved, God sees you as His unique and wonderful creation; He looks at you and He sees His marvelous workmanship. God looks at you and sees someone precious. Everything God created is good (1 Timothy 4:4) and that includes you.
I believe that the only way that you and I can properly love, self and others, is through a heart transformed by God’s Love. As you know, God is Love, that’s who He is, and His love bears no condemnation. But we have a tendency to engage in self-condemnation, to indulge in self-criticism and a depreciation of self. You see, when all you do is seek out the faults in yourself it makes it very easy for you to find fault in others too and this, in no way, honours God’s creation.
Whatever your reason for your lack of self-appreciation, it’s time for you to have a confrontation with Love, God’s love and to abide in that love, a love that enables you to see, in yourself, the beauty of God’s creation. The truth is, God loves you just as you are right now. He loved you first (1 John 4:19).
Perhaps you’re thinking that this is easier said than done but know that you have this promise,
“whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13 NLT)
This word, “whoever” means anyone and everyone – you, me, and everybody. You do not have to do this on your own, you are not expected to. God knows that the only way that you can cultivate the kind of love that’s needed is by the transforming power of His Holy Spirit working in you and with you. So, today, right where you are, call on Him, cry out to Him and allow His love to move you to love.
Love Yourself
Shelley Johnson August 2, 2017
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