“…and I will send down the showers in their season; they shall be showers of blessing.” – Ezekiel 34:26 (ESV)
God compared His blessing to the falling rain. Not torrential rainfall, which may prove destructive but rather that type of rain that is strangely comforting, that type of rainfall that makes you revisit those carefree days of childhood, where at the first pitter-patter, you were out the door, not willing to miss out on even one raindrop.
I believe that God is giving us a picture of showers that prompt you to curl up on your bed or favourite chair under the covers. A constant and measured shower of rain that’s soothing and refreshing and curiously healing. Rainfall that encourages crops to grow and flowers to bloom. Those rain showers that only bring benefits to the earth – the land and its inhabitants.
So, you must realize that God could not be referring to a mere drizzle, after all He is not stingy. He’s neither stingy with the rain He sends to nourish the earth nor the showers of blessing He sends to refresh His children. When God sends you a blessing, it’s enough to keep and enough to give and some left over. Like when Jesus fed the five thousand, it was more than enough and still had much more remaining.
God gives and gives, plenty, bountifully and in great abundance. Psalm 68:9-10 says of God,
“You caused abundant rain to fall and restored Your worn-out land; Your people made their home there; in Your goodness You provided for the poor.” (GNT)
Oh yes, God’s blessing is always abundant and always restores. He sends it as showers, showers of blessing. When we truly understand that it is God’s desire to bless us, and we accept this truth and plant it in our hearts, and not just leave it floating around in our heads, we will dwell in a state of God’s showers of blessing, receiving from Him in every area of our lives, a people well provided for.
Showers of Blessing
Shelley Johnson September 11, 2017
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