Thursday 19 January 2017

What Do You Have?

“There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are these for so many?” – John 6:9 (DLNT) 

It’s not enough, there are only five loaves and two fish! It’s not enough, there are only seven rounds of flatbread and a few small fish! (ref. Matthew 15:34) 

Like the disciples, we often look at what we have and believe that it’s not enough. That’s because we always focus on what we don’t have. We spend too much time meditating on what we believe is lack rather than seeing the abundance that we have in Christ Jesus. 

Remember, what you focus on is what you will magnify and more times than not it is what will manifest. So if you’re focused on lack, guess what? 

The thing is, Jesus wants you to know what you have. Here are some things Jesus wants you to know: 

  • You have a rich and satisfying life (John 10:10).
  • You have a share in everything bright and beautiful that God has for His children (Colossians 1:12).
  • You have the power to successfully produce wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).
  • You have everything you need to experience a godly life full of His glory and excellence (2 Peter 1:3). 

And there is so much more! 

The boy in John 6:9 brought all that he had to Jesus. To the disciples it didn’t look like much, certainly it wasn’t enough “for so many” but Jesus took it, looked up to God, gave Him thanks, and it fed thousands and still even more remained – not just a little but twelve baskets full were left over. 

Stop looking at what you think you don’t have and bring all that you have to Jesus, give Him thanks and watch Him bless it, use it and increase it, exponentially. 
Amen †

What Do You Have? 
Shelley Johnson January 18, 2017 

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