Wednesday 18 January 2017

“You” vs “You”

Knowing their thoughts, He told them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is headed for destruction…” – Matthew 12:25 (HCSB)

Divided thoughts, divided ideas and a divided mind…division within yourself. So often you’re unsettled on so many things concerning you. You simply cannot decide one way or another. 

Jesus told the Pharisees that division only leads to destruction, ruin, and chaos. This, I believe, can also apply to the internal division that may be your experience from ever since you can remember. A tug-of-war which causes you to jump from one opinion to the next – this way and then that. You’re never standing firm on any one issue but constantly vacillating from one point of view to another. 

This continuous struggle of uncertainty makes it almost impossible for you to complete any tasks, projects or assignments because as James 1:8 says, a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. So if you keep this up you will never be successful at anything since success is not a byproduct of instability but of peace of mind. 

If “You” vs “You” becomes more intense, everything in your life becomes more and more unstable, stagnant, there is absolutely no progress and no moving forward. Haven’t you had enough of this? How long will you chase after more than just one rabbit, you’ll end up with none! 

This fight with you has to end; but how? You’ve fought yourself for so long but now it’s time for you to unclog the cesspool this war has created inside you.

To conquer you, you must first take your thoughts off yourself and focus on God. Switching your focus onto God will create calm and peace within…

“You will keep perfectly peaceful the one whose mind remains focused on You, because he remains in You.” – Isaiah 26:3 (ISV)

When your focus is God, He will bring everything else into alignment, including your thoughts. 

“Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.” – Matthew 6:33 (MSG)

Focus on God and allow Him to meet all your needs; even decisions you have to make, submit them all to God and He will direct you (see Proverbs 3:6), and it won’t be long before you will see the conflict that you’ve endured all this time with yourself, over.
Amen †

“You” vs “You”
Shelley Johnson January 17, 2017

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