Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Divine Teacher

As a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been given the gift of a Divine Teacher, and that Divine Teacher is the Holy Spirit. This is just one of the Holy Spirit’s many roles, and as Teacher, He is duty bound to teach you all things. However it is up to you to open yourself to receive His teaching and commit to learning all that God has in store for you to learn. 

The promise that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things was first made to the Apostles, then the Apostles applied it to all believers when it was said,

“Christ has poured out His Spirit on you. As long as His Spirit remains in you, you do not need anyone to teach you. For His Spirit teaches you about everything, and what He teaches is true, not false. Obey the Spirit's teaching, then, and remain in union with Christ.” – 1 John 2:27 (GNT)

It is therefore, the privilege of every believer in Christ to be taught by His Spirit independent of human teachers. This does not mean that we cannot learn from others who have been taught by the Holy Spirit, but while we may learn a great deal from other Spirit-filled men and women, we should not become utterly dependent on their teaching alone. Human teachers will never give us an exact apprehension of the Truth, which can only be received from being directly taught by the Holy Spirit. 

There are also a lot of charlatans out there – false prophets spewing doctrine that does not always appear to be obviously false. If you allow the Divine Teacher to teach you, then you will find yourself in a better position to know the difference between the doctrine of God and that of man.

The Word is the place to which the Holy Spirit, who is the Author of the Word, leads His pupils and the instrument through which He instructs them. He opens your mind to understand the Scriptures (see Luke 24:45). The Holy Spirit is the only one who will “lead you into all the Truth”; it is the Holy Spirit “who reveals the truth about God” (see John 16:13), speaking not on His own authority but speaking everything that He hears from God. He reveals God’s doctrine in all its glory.

The Divine Teacher is the only Person that can properly educate you about the things of God. No-one else is capable of giving you the most comprehensive understanding of Truth. It is by Spirit’s divine revelation that you will know the Truth that makes you free to be who you are in Christ – unshackled and unburdened by the things of this world. It is through the Divine Teacher that God imparts His secret wisdom to you, “even the hidden depths of God’s purposes” (1 Corinthians 2:10).

Apostle Paul warns that when you are taught of God by the Spirit of God, your perspective will change, your speech will change – you will no longer speak words interpreted and shaped by human wisdom but words crafted and taught by Spirit. You will have insight and understanding of spiritual truths that seem to some as utter nonsense. Always quick to judge according to their own contrived sense of knowledge, these are the persons who will not hesitate to label you crazy, foolish, deceived and any myriad of unflattering adjectives but their actions only prove that they neither have open communion with the Holy Spirit nor understanding of spiritual realities (see 1 Corinthians 2:14).

Beloved, if you sincerely want to know the Truth, you must turn to the Divine Teacher to open your eyes that you may see the wonderful deep things that God has prepared for those who love Him. You must be willing to empty yourself of your own wisdom, and yield completely to the Holy Spirit’s leading. 


Divine Teacher
Shelley Johnson July 5, 2017

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