Perhaps you know the bible story of the prophet Jonah. Jonah was directed by God to warn the Ninevites of their impending destruction if they did not heed His warning. Jonah did not like the Ninevites, he wanted God to destroy them. To avoid making this journey, Jonah decided to go in the opposite direction. In changing direction, he made a conscious decision to go contrary to God’s will and purpose.
How many times have you made a conscious decision to go
contrary to God’s will and purpose? Oftentimes you know that you’re being lead
in one direction, but you still go ahead and do what you want to do. We have
all done that and some of us are still doing that because we just do not want
to go where God has told us to go.
Understand that Jonah was God’s messenger, a
well-established prophet of God yet he thought that he could run from God. He
must have known that that was futile. He would have been keenly familiar with the
Psalm that says,
“Where could I go to escape from you? Where could I get away
from your presence? would be there;” (139:7, 8 GNT)
This was a journey outside of Jonah’s comfort zone, beyond
his regular purview. Jonah’s disobedience cost him three days of darkness
enclosed in a “fish’s belly” after which he was coughed up and embarked on the journey
to Nineveh.
Scripture tells us that Nineveh was “an exceedingly large
city, a three days’ walk across”, but after only one day of walking Jonah had
completed his mission. You know that Jonah, if he had done what he was supposed
to do in the first place, would not have put himself in that fish-belly mess.
You know that you would not have ended up in a fish-belly
mess if you had just done what God had told you to do. What was the point of
you wasting three days, or three months or three years or even three decades of
your life running from God just because you wanted to do what you wanted to do?
Like Jonah, you may feel that you can outrun God, and He
will allow you to run but only for a time, eventually you have to stop – He will stop you.
Jonah, when he obeyed, was able to complete a three-day journey
in one day. He must have received supernatural help. God makes the impossible
Beloved, when you obey God, and genuinely serve Him, He
helps you and you will find much joy.
“God is…always ready to help…” – Psalm 46:1 (GNT)
“…where will my help come from? My help will come from
the Lord…” – Psalm 121:1-2 (GNT)
“…you will find the joy that comes from serving me…” –
Isaiah 58:14 (GNT)
Going in the wrong direction on purpose is not worth it, it
only makes the journey more difficult. Don’t let disobedience hamper your walk.
Shelley Johnson “A Three-Day Journey” © March 1, 2025
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