Wednesday, 27 July 2016

A very special Lamp

Have you ever tried walking around in the dark? Even though your eyes may adjust, chances are you may still stumble, especially if you’ve found yourself in an unfamiliar place in pitch black darkness. Whatever the case may be, trying to find your way in the dark is disconcerting and frightening. 

Sometimes life can seem like that…like wandering around and groping about in the dark not at all sure of which way you ought to go. In reference to your life, “the dark” is not being used to describe literal physical darkness but is being used metaphorically to symbolize a certain reality, concept, state of being or mind. 

To be in the dark speaks of ignorance, especially about God and the things of God, spiritual blindness, walking in error – known or unknown, sorrow, gloom, and distress. Darkness here goes far beyond the literal sense, being more than the absence of light. But do you know that you’ve been given a very special lamp; a lamp whose light darkness can neither comprehend nor overcome; a lamp that can light the way like no other?

This lamp is an extraordinary source of light…this lamp allows you to see life in a different dimension and from a different perspective…this lamp, as bright as its light is, and as much as you may desire it to light up the entire path that you’re on, only illuminates one step at a time, shedding its light on the next step that you must take, no other…this lamp is the Word of God. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your Word is a lamp to walk by, and a light to illumine my path.” (NET Bible)

The Word as a lamp is so very special, because of its three-fold nature, for it is the written Word of God, the spoken Word of God, and the Living Word of God – a three-in-one lamp that gives your life proper direction.

God has designed His Word to shed light on every situation and circumstance in which you can ever find yourself. Every word in God’s Word is like an individual beam of light coming together to form one amazing lamp. 

“For the commandments are like a lamp, instruction is like a light…” - Proverbs 6:23 (NET Bible)

God’s Word will not only illuminate the darkness around you (see Psalm 18:28) but when you read it, listen to it, speak it, pray it, and meditate on it, its light shines in your heart (see 2 Corinthians 4:6) and you are enlightened because according to Psalm 119:130, the entrance of His Word brings light and understanding, allowing ordinary people to truly see and find their way.

In the dark you cannot find your way. God does not want you to walk in the dark, He wants to bring you out of darkness and into His marvelous light. He wants to guide your every step. 

“…by paths they do not know I will guide them. I will turn darkness into light before them, and make crooked ways straight. These are My promises: I made them, I will not forsake them.” – Isaiah 42:16 (NABRE)

If you allow God to guide your steps by the light of His very special Lamp, His Word, He promises to turn every obstacle into steppingstones on the pathway of an incredible life.


A very special Lamp    Shelley Johnson 25-Jul-2016

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