Monday 4 July 2016

It Rained This Morning

Before I write anything on this subject, allow me to apologize to all the readers of this Blog, Bethel at Balata. First, my little laptop malfunctioned right before my very eyes, and just when, after many attempts at reviving failed, I decided to use my husband’s desktop, internet access ceased. Hence the absence of this Blog for such a long while. So please accept my apologies.

Yesterday was an unbearably and unusually hot day. I must admit that there was some reprieve in a cool breeze that blew intermittently. I prayed for rain, but none came, at least not where I was. The wall of heat persevered causing me to sweat like an estate mule. I remained stoic in my belief that God answers prayer all the while I was stifling in the heat…and, it rained this morning.

I awoke with a start. What was that vaguely familiar sound? Thunder? I got out of bed, the sky was coloured gray, the rain had come where I was and, like the typical West Indian who you invite to your party or even your wedding, she did not come alone, but brought along two others, Thunder and Lightning.

God didn’t only give me what I’d prayed for, He gave me a little extra. Isn’t that how our heavenly Father often operates? He gives us a little more than we’ve asked for. 

“…your barns will be filled to overflowing and your vats will brim over…” – Proverbs 3:10

So, today, take heart in the fact that, even though you’ve not yet seen the answer to your prayers and the “heat” is just unbearable, the rain is coming. The thunder and the lightning that you’re currently experiencing are simply heralding its approach.

Ask the Lord for rain…it is the Lord Who makes lightnings which usher in the rain and give men showers…– Zechariah 10:1

May God bless you with the blessing of Ephesians 3:20, super-abundantly, far over and above all that you ask or think, infinitely beyond your highest prayers, desires, hopes, or thoughts.


It Rained This Morning    Shelley Johnson 04-Jul-2016

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