Saturday 6 August 2016

Shame…it’s removable

Recently my family and I went through an experience that had the potential to be very embarrassing for all of us. As the day of shame approached, I prayed, “Lord, let us not be put to shame.”

And, this is what I heard, “Have you not trusted in Me? There will be no shame.”

Believe me when I tell you, that certain day came, and that certain day went, and there was no shame. God removed the shame.

Perhaps you’re faced with a situation that can bring you shame and disgrace, or maybe it’s your nature to always be embarrassed about something or another but God does not want you to be grounded or rooted in shame. Shame inspires fear and fear is a ploy of the devil. The Word of God tells us,

“Don’t be afraid because you will not be ashamed. Don’t be embarrassed because you will not be disgraced. You will forget the shame you felt earlier. You will not remember the shame you felt…” – Isaiah 54:4 (ICB)

I’ve shared this experience with you because God does not play favourites (Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11), what that means is, if He did it for me and every member of my household, He will do the same for you. So, do not be afraid, simply go to God and ask Him to fulfill His promise of removing the shame, embarrassment, and disgrace so that you won’t even remember it.

God has also promised that when you place your hope and your trust in Him, you will never ever be put to shame (Psalm 25:3).

Stand firm on God’s Word of promise. You now know for sure, from Isaiah 54:4, that shame is removable, and from Psalm 25:3, hope and trust in God eliminates shame. But that’s not all, for Isaiah 61:7 says, “Instead of being ashamed, you will receive twice as much wealth. Instead of being disgraced, you will be happy because of what you receive. You will receive a double share of the land. So your happiness will continue forever.” (ICB)

Beloved, put your hope and trust in God, and God will not only remove the shame, He will pour out double blessings and everlasting happiness in its place.


Shame…it’s removable    Shelley Johnson 05-Aug-2016

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