Monday 22 August 2016

The Double Portion

Monday, the beginning of another hum-drum work week you might be thinking, but here’s what the Word of the Lord says in Colossians 3:23 (ESV),

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men…”

It is from this angle that I’m approaching today’s topic because it made me think of Elisha, who asked for and received a double portion. Elisha too must have got up each morning to the mundane job of field plowing but I feel that rather than complain and murmur about his job he instead worked heartily, as for the Lord. And this attitude made him an unlikely likely candidate to receive an incredible blessing while at work.

“So he [Elijah] departed from there and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen in front of him, and he was with the twelfth. Elijah passed by him and cast his cloak upon him.” 1 Kings 19:19 (ESV)

In one fell swoop of the great prophet’s cloak awesome power and authority was immediately transferred. Now suppose Elisha, fed up of his job, had chosen to stay home that day…he would have missed out on this opportunity and not been on spot to receive it. You never know when God’s blessing will come to you or who God will use to bless you and where that blessing will take place. Elijah silently walked up to Elisha and blessed him just so, without warning, without fanfare, blessed while plowing a field. Elisha, leaving everything behind, immediately chased after Elijah (v. 20) to serve him as protégé.

Please note that even though Elisha left his job to follow Elijah he did not receive the double portion then and there. Elisha was still required to be in Elijah’s service for a time before the impartation of the double portion anointing. Scripture reveals that the double portion represents a great blessing that’s received after enduring a period of struggle, barrenness, humiliation, captivity, sickness, servitude, or faithful service. 

How have you been approaching the work you have to do? Have you been diligent and hardworking despite the daily grind of a seemingly going-nowhere job? Perhaps God has you there for reasons yet unknown to you. Perhaps there’s something that you must learn in this position before you can move on. Know that your attitude today will determine your altitude tomorrow. You may have to prove active and faithful in this field before God will allow you to move on to something better. So continue to work hard and heartily in whatever area and position you are in at the moment without complaining and without murmuring.

There may be other things in your life stunting your growth, both spiritual and otherwise. Remember Elisha was willing to turn his back on everything and he did. In order for God to fully bless you, like Elisha, you have to just leave some things and some people behind, and chase after what He has told you to do and where He has told you to go. If you’re not prepared to let go of those things and people but prefer to cling to them, you might as well say goodbye to the double portion. You must be willing to give up all your attachments for the fuller life – the double portion life.

Elisha had long walked away from every single thing before he received the double portion (see 2 Kings 2:9-10). When you’re willing to release it all, God is willing to give it all back to you plus more than you had before; He will work with, in, and through you twice as much as He did before. The double portion came to Elisha when he submitted himself to God’s service, and God, being no respecter of persons, when you wholly surrender yourself, who knows how He will use you and bless you – with that mutual willingness anything is possible.

The Double Portion    Shelley Johnson 21-Aug-2016

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