Wednesday 3 August 2016

The Favour of God

“…And Esther found favor in the sight of all who saw her.” – Esther 2:15 (AMP)

Some of you may have sung that familiar praise song that begins with the words, “The favour of God is upon me…”, but how many of you have sung it without truly believing those words. It is time to bring those words from your mouth into your heart. 

Esther believed that the favour of God was upon her and when the time came for her to draw on that favour, she drew upon it without fear. Esther found herself in a precarious situation and boldly approached the king to ask him to intervene even though she knew that doing so was risking her life. He received her favourably and her life was spared. That was the favour of God.

When you know and believe that you have received the favour of God, you’re not afraid to approach the Throne of the king and of the King of kings. Like Esther, if you find yourself in dire straits, before seeking natural favour, seek God for supernatural favour (see Esther 4:16). Natural favour is special treatment earned from some people sometimes but supernatural favour is a gift from God that will cause you to be specially treated by everyone that lays their eyes on you.

Esther was a young Jewish orphan living in Persia in the time of Jewish captivity, in other words, the odds were stacked against her from the start. But God had given Esther favour and elevated her in a way that was humanly unthinkable – she married the king and became Queen of Persia – positioning her to carry out His will. 

Esther did not have the best beginning but she certainly had the greatest of endings. 

So do not despair if what you’re going through right now seems a hapless situation, instead, be confident that despite how utterly hopeless things may be looking from a human perspective, God can lift you out of the deepest pit. You have been given the favour of God. 

The human perspective screams that there is no way out but you must remember, God’s ways are vastly different from your own (see Isaiah 55:8). He has an awesome vantage point where He sees the end from the beginning. You’re not able to imagine how things could ever turn out good but God already has the best solution to your problem…a solution you cannot begin to conceive (see 1 Corinthians 2:9). That’s the favour of God.

The favour of God is boundless, eternal, and available, all you have to do is believe and press on with complete confidence, knowing that He has already provided divine favour for every situation. 


The Favour of God    Shelley Johnson 02-Aug-2016

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