Monday 10 April 2017

From “Hosanna!” to “Crucify Him!”

Yesterday, Christians celebrated Palm Sunday – a commemoration of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem the week of Passover.

That day, as Jesus rode in on a colt, “many people...spread branches they had cut in the fields” (see Mark 11:8 NIV) onto His path, shouting “Hosanna!” but mere days later, those same people would change their tune and shout “Crucify Him!”.

What is it with us human beings that causes us to be so easily swayed? We shift from this way to that way in a breath; from one opinion to an opposing opinion in seconds; crossing the proverbial fine line from love to hate in the wink of an eye. And not one of us is immune from this malaise – we all do it, perhaps some more than others but all of us flip flop from time to time.

Seriously, what moves a person from “Hosanna!” on Sunday to “Crucify Him!” by Friday? Could it be that when Jesus rides into your life, looks “around at everything” (see Mark 11:11 NIV) and sees you like a leaf-full, fruit-less fig tree, offering nothing useful to your fellowman and pulls you up on it, that you’re offended and turn against Him? 

Could it be that when Jesus enters your temple and begins a thorough clean up, getting rid of the things that you have allowed to rob you of a proper relationship with Him that you get so angry that you turn against Him? 

And, rather than taking an honest look at yourself, you question Jesus’ authority in your life. Do you prefer to go along your Christian walk bearing nothing but leaves, instead of allowing Jesus to cut away all those branches that aren’t bearing fruit, so that He may enlarge and beautify you?

Or, rather than honestly examining your life, you prefer to maintain a den-of-thieves temple, where any and everybody has free reign to do whatever they want to do in your temple court?

Is it that you want to do Christianity on your own terms rather than follow the teachings of Jesus Christ? Is it that you want to indulge in a “cover-up” of religious acts like a modern-day Pharisee rather than let the Holy Spirit guide you into all Truth?

Everyone who shouted “Hosanna!” on Sunday, recognized Jesus as the One who saves and received Him as Saviour. However, sometime after Sunday, they allow themselves to be “tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching”, becoming influenced by clever people whose tricks and lies sound like the truth (see Ephesians 4:14 NLT). This happens when people choose to remain in a state of spiritual infancy, content with only bearing leaves, reluctant to Spirit’s pruning and cultivation by the Word of God, and don’t truly understand that because Spirit dwells in them they are now Temples of honour. 

As spiritually immature Christians, it is very easy to shout “Crucify Him!” by Friday because immature Christians attempt to build their own foundations, spending their time up keeping centuries-old church traditions and performing religious routines that resemble Christianity while all the while don’t realise that they are not building upon the foundation that has already been laid – Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:10).

What have you been shouting lately? If you’ve strayed away from Sunday and are heading towards Friday, check yourself and start shouting “Hosanna!” once more.


From “Hosanna!” to “Crucify Him!”

Shelley Johnson April 10, 2017

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