Monday 3 April 2017

Anything you ask in Jesus’ Name

In John 14:14 Jesus said, “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”

Jesus said it so you can be sure that it is a legitimate promise, ask anything in His Name and He will do it but that’s providing that the “anything” is for your good, appropriate, and in agreement with God’s will. 

Jesus was actually having a private conversation with His disciples – His disciplined followers – in the upper room when He said this. He was making a promise to them, it was not meant for everybody and that is still the case today. However, many people proclaim this Scripture verse without understanding to whom it refers and that it’s conditional.

Too often we want to reap the benefits of God’s promises without doing our part. And, for some, it’s not that they don’t believe that God exists but they’re apathetic toward Jesus and basically ignore the Holy Spirit altogether – Father, Son and Spirit cannot be divorced from each other. 

So, if you want to claim this particular promise, there are certain requirements to be met, things that you must do.

  • You must be born again (see John 3:7) through the experience of a spiritual re-birth in Jesus

  • You must become a disciplined follower of Jesus Christ, by getting into a genuine, meaningful relationship with Him

  • You must not let your heart be troubled but instead, trust and believe in God and also in Jesus

  • You must truly understand that Jesus is the only Way, the Truth and the Life; no-one comes to the Father except by Him

  • You must strive to know God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

After you’ve done your part, you then must understand further that, “anything” is limited in its scope, it is not a carte blanche license. Even as a born-again Christian, both your motives and your intentions play a pivotal role in what you ask and in the way you ask – there are ways that are right and proper. 

Listen, what Jesus said is true, however, Jesus will not do anything that is to your detriment or the detriment of others. If the “anything” you’re asking is rooted in selfishness, in contravention to the Word of God, harmful to your spiritual well-being, or will cause undue hurt and distress, Jesus will not do it. 

Remember, anything you ask in Jesus’ name must result in the Son bringing glory to the Father (John 14:13) – if what you’re asking will not bring God glory, Jesus will not do it.

Anything you ask in Jesus’ Name
Shelley Johnson April 2, 2017

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