Wednesday 29 March 2017

A Perfect Work

The woman at the well, her heart now opened to receive, responds to Jesus’ revelation of truth by saying something else that she knew for sure.

She said to Him,
“I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will explain everything to us.” – John 4:25 (HCSB)

And, Jesus addressed her one last time,
“I am He…the One speaking to you.” – John 4:26 (HCSB)

With these words, Christ opened the flood gates and living water thrust into the heart of this Samaritan woman – the effluence of the Holy Spirit of God from His heart to hers. The power of the Good News of Christ Jesus bringing healing to her soul, cleansing her by the “washing of the water by the Word” (see Ephesians 5:26), this indescribable “water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb” (see Revelation 22:1)  flowing into her like a cascading waterfall.

Jesus, as man, weary, sat at the well; Jesus, as God, knew that there was to be found in Samaria the sheep that was lost. Seven times He spoke and seven times the Samaritan woman received the Word of God. 

How perfect is Divine wisdom, how infinite in its working? Like the seven days of creation, at the well were seven utterances to a new creation…seven Words of Salvation. 

This woman, once condemned by self and man, experienced the love of the Son of God, and a heart convinced by the Spirit of God. It was her end yet at once her beginning, a new beginning in Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). 

Oh what joy fills your heart when you come to the realization that every word you’ve received was from Messiah, and every moment spent was with Christ, and everything that transpired was of God’s making! 

In this state of euphoria, the woman abandoned every plan that she had made, leaving her water jar behind, she ran back to town to tell every man and woman of her divine encounter, encouraging each one to “Come and see for yourselves”. From her testimony and the message of Christ many believed and were saved (see John 4:28-43). 

That day at the well, Jesus did what He came to do, the will of God. He finished His work, a perfect work.


A Perfect Work
Shelley Johnson March 29, 2017

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