Wednesday 15 March 2017

Set Joy before You

Amidst deep suffering, where do you go for joy? It is difficult to even imagine happiness during times of struggle and pain. When problems overwhelm you, challenges seem to be never-ending, and heartache is just too much to bear, joy is hard to grasp, but our Lord Jesus in His darkest hour, focused on the joy set before Him. 

“Jesus, who, over-against the joy set before him -- did endure a cross” – Hebrews 12:2 (YLT)

Jesus, faced with the inevitable crucifixion, looked beyond that cruel and rugged cross to what awaited Him. And, what He saw was the joy unspeakable that was His to possess and it is on that that Jesus fixed His eyes. Jesus saw His loving Father and what He had in store for Him – He saw His Resurrection and His place of honour and glory at His Father’s right hand. Jesus saw what His death would accomplish, He saw the joy it would bring, and His heart filled with enduring love for you and me. 

Beloved, if Jesus could take that cross and its associated shame, despise them and completely focus on the coming joy, then you can do the same with your suffering. Look past the heartache, pain, hurt, problems, circumstances, challenges, and suffering and see the joy which lies beyond. 

“The deepest pains may linger through the night, but joy greets the soul with the smile of morning.” – Psalm 30:5 (VOICE)

Yes, through the vilest storm, look beyond the wind and rain; through the darkest night visualize the joy that’s waiting to greet you in the morning. Jesus endured His cross, if you’re finding it difficult to put up with your ‘cross’, perhaps you’re too focused on it and not seeing the joy which lay ahead. Perhaps you need to back away until your perspective has changed. When you’re too close, problems appear as mountains, it’s only when you back up that you recognize the molehill.

Hebrews 12:2 says to, “Keep your eyes on Jesus, our leader and instructor”, on whom your faith depends. He has experienced the ultimate in bearing insufferable pain by focusing on the joy set before Him, so imitate Him even in this. Do not give in, do not give up, do not throw in the towel, instead know that not one minute of your trial is meaningless. Count it all joy, for it is indeed a perfecting of your faith (see James 1:2).

Amidst deep suffering, where do you go for joy? Look to Jesus, He brings you a joy you cannot truly express in words, set His joy before you.


Set Joy before You
Shelley Johnson March 15, 2017

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