Wednesday 22 March 2017

Jesus creates the sense of need

Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I will give him will never be thirsty again. For my gift will become a spring in the man himself, welling up into eternal life.” – John 4:13-14 (Phillips)

Recently, a friend of mine took up the challenge to drink one gallon of water a day for thirty days. That’s a lot of water, but I’m sure that on day thirty-one she still became thirsty. No matter how much water you drink – pipe borne, bottled, sparkling, or filtered – you “will be thirsty again”. 

That’s what Jesus impressed upon the woman at Jacob’s well. All the water that man can give you, from the deepest dug well, you’ll be thirsty again and again but He had water to give that would “become a spring” in her, continually bubbling like a flowing fountain. She’d never be thirsty again.

Intrigued, the woman knew that was the water she wanted, that was the water she needed. Jesus had created in her the sense of need.

The woman said, “Sir, give me this water, so that I may stop being thirsty—and not have to come here to draw water anymore!” – John 4:15 (Phillips)

Oh what a turn of events! She was now asking Him for water – Jacob gave the well through long and hard labour (John 4:12) but drinking from it, one will be thirsty again. This is not the water that Jesus offers. His water is no ordinary water, Jesus has a hidden source of spiritual water which He wants to give to you.

This was now Jesus’ third statement, and still the woman hadn’t seen the spiritual meaning in what Jesus was saying to her. Like the ones on the Emmaus Road (see Luke 24:13-35), she too was slow to recognize that she was in the midst of a divine encounter, but that was about to change.

The beginning of the Samaritan woman’s transformation and ours starts with the realization that we are desperately in need of something so much greater than what our long and hard labour can accomplish. When we realize that nothing and no-one but Jesus can satisfy that sense of need in us, is when we realize our need for Jesus and cry out, “give me that water!” (John 4:15 GNT).


Jesus creates the sense of need
Shelley Johnson March 21, 2017

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