Thursday 2 March 2017

Love over Sacrifice

“…I want faithful love, not sacrifice. I want people to know God, not to bring burnt offerings.” – Hosea 6:6 (ERV)

Job did everything right. He did everything that was expected of a man of God. He faithfully observed all the required religious traditions and performed all the required rituals – he upheld the holy feasts, made sacrifices and burnt offerings but Job acted more out of craven fear, than faithful love. Job was terribly afraid of God, and he did not truly know God. 

You see, like Job, too many Christians become caught up in outward observances because they believe that’s what’s most important. They do all that’s expected of them as a good Christian, making sure to follow all the religious traditions, busying themselves with the various rules of the church, tirelessly working in different church groups and attending a plethora of church meetings, all the while having no genuine knowledge of God. So busy are they with church that they haven’t the time to establish a relationship with God. 

Anyone can make a sacrifice. Anyone can present a burnt offering. Anyone can make an outward show of being Christian. And to one’s fellowman you appear to be sincere and genuine in your walk with God, but do not forget that God sees what man cannot see, He sees your heart – what is deepest within you. He knows your true motives and your intentions. God is not fooled. 

God wants you to know Him. It is in knowing God that faithful love for Him is produced in you. And out of that faithful love comes reverential fear. Everything you do will then be done out of your faithful love of God. This is what God wants. He does not want a sacrifice born from trepidation, or from a man-made tradition. God wants you to sacrifice because of the deep love you have for Him. He wants love over sacrifice.

Love over Sacrifice
Shelley Johnson March 2, 2017

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