Friday 17 March 2017

No “Cattle-Boil” for God

Let me begin, by explaining, for those of you who may not know, what the term “cattle-boil” means: it’s jokingly used to refer to a “stye” (a small inflamed swelling on the eyelid) received as a penalty for taking back anything that was freely given.

Do you know that when God gives you a gift, He will never take it back? The truth is, God does not give and then withdraw the gift, that’s not how He operates. He’s not going to make you a promise, then renege on that promise. 

God is not a liar, with Him there is no shadow of turning, no going back on His word, no changing of His mind(Numbers 23:19; James 1:17). As Romans 11:29 says, His gifts and His call are without repentance, which means that God is not going to capriciously retract them – no “cattle-boil” for God because He will never take back what He has freely given to you. For Him to do that is a violation of His nature and His character.

Such is the character and nature of God, that even if you make a mistake and stumble along the way, or happen to slip off the path of your spiritual journey, He won’t shake His head and say, “Okay, don’t bother. I’ve changed my mind, whatever I gave you I want it back.” Instead, God can, and is willing to get you back on course. 

What God has determined to happen will happen, no matter what, but you also have a part to play. Don’t expect that you could fly in the face of God, purposely go off course and want to jump back in just so…no. You must be abiding in Christ, so quickly recognize your error, repent – change direction – and get back on the path – God will gladly and lovingly open the door and welcome you back.


No “Cattle-Boil” for God
Shelley Johnson March 17, 2017

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