Wednesday 19 April 2017

“What to do now?”

What do you do when all your dreams, hopes, and expectations have failed? The “sure thing” that you’ve spent the past few years working on has fallen apart, nothing is working out anymore, and the main component that brought it all together, the glue so to speak, has lost its adhesion and all you’re able to mutter is, “What to do now?” 

Easter is over, yes, but I’d like to revisit the day after Jesus’ crucifixion, when perhaps the disciples and ardent followers would have been mired in a “What to do now?” frame of mind. They had given up everything to follow this Man – careers, livelihoods, family life, lifestyles…everything. 

For three years they’d dedicated their lives to a new radical movement; a change so great that it upturned the long established theological traditions of the day. But now, Jesus, their beloved Teacher, Rabbi, Leader, Deliverer, Messiah, was dead and buried. They’d been told about this before it actually happened, and were made ready for the day, however they weren’t really prepared for the reality of it. They’d heard what Jesus was telling them all along but somehow now that the One who had called them to action was gone, they were lost and confused and very afraid. What was there to do? Where were they to go?

Despite having received a bombardment of very specific instructions and a host of invaluable advice from Jesus, leading up to His crucifixion, the disciples hold up in the locked upper room in a state of utter and fearful disbelief and “What to do now?” was the question that pervaded the atmosphere of that room. 

Isn’t that just like us though? When everything we’ve worked towards appears to have failed and crumbled to pieces, don’t we clasp our heads in despair and ask ourselves that same question? But if God has given you specific instructions and has made certain promises, then even when all seems lost, you must remember what God has said to you, and in the face of uncertainty, muster up the courage to hold on to what you know...

Know that all that you’ve been told, and all the promises God has planted in your heart still stand – He hasn’t changed His mind, He will never tell you something and then not fulfill it. Yes, things are crumbling; yes, the deal fell through at the last moment; yes, the project you were working on has come to a screeching halt; yes, the “sure thing” doesn’t look so sure anymore; yes, yes, yes, yes, but know that whatever God has told you, whatever God has promised you, He will do…He will certainly do His part and you ought to do your part, which is to Believe, Trust, and Obey.

Believe God…Stop being afraid! Just keep on believing. (Mark 5:36) 

Trust God…Do not fear bad news; confidently trust God to care for you. (Psalm 112:7) 

Obey God…Do what God tells you. Walk in the paths He shows you: Follow the life-map absolutely, keep an eye out for the signposts, then you’ll prosper in whatever you do and wherever you go. (1 Kings 2:3)

The ball is always in your court after you receive God’s instructions and His promises. You see, God will be faithful; no matter what, He remains committed to perform His Word in your life, after all, Psalm 138:2 says of God, "...You have magnified Your Word above all Your name"

I’m not saying that believing, trusting and obeying God will be easy, especially when things are unraveling around you but you just have to hold on to what you know and cling to Who you know being absolutely convinced that God is truly able and truly willing.


“What to do now?”
Shelley Johnson April 19, 2017

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