Tuesday 2 January 2018

From the Beginning

How well do you know God? Do you truly see God in your life? Do you ever feel Emmanuel – God with us? Do you see God’s hand at work, or do you just chalk everything up to coincidence? What is your true perspective? What is the status of your relationship with God?

Our relationship with God is mapped out in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. From the beginning we can see God as crucial to life, not just our own, but the life of everything that exists. 

In Nehemiah 9:6 (GNT) it is written,

“You, Lord, You alone are Lord; You made the heavens and the stars of the sky. You made land and sea and everything in them; You gave life to all.”

And Apostle Paul tells us this in Romans 1:20 (NRSV),

“Ever since the creation of the world His eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things He has made.”

So, if God gave life to all and we can see Him in everything that exists, then in a sense God is always with us; His hand is everywhere around us. With this in mind, shall we begin again, from the beginning, with a new perspective?

From the beginning God wanted to be in relationship with His creation, especially with man – you and me. Yes, God wants a relationship with you, otherwise you won’t be here…you won’t exist. Believe it.

The Bible tells us that when God decided to create man, unlike those which He’d already created by speaking them into being, God formed man, Adam, from the “dust of the earth”. Have you ever formed anything from dirt? 

When I was a child, I loved to play in the dirt and to make things from dirt. I’d get down on the ground, digging up the earth to get the right amount of soil for my creation. I’d carefully remove any stones, pebbles and other debris, then add just the adequate amount of moisture to ensure that my dirt formation would come out as perfectly as I intended. By the time I was done, mud would be encrusted in my fingernails, all over my face, and my clothes would be thoroughly soiled. A muddied mess, I’d take a step back to admire my mud masterpiece, created by my own hands, pleased with my crudely fashioned mud cake…

Adam was no crudely fashioned mud cake. Every line, every curve, every chiseled part of him was gently and deliberately sculpted. Then, cupping Adam’s face in His hands, God breathed His own breath into Adam’s nostrils. 

What is the picture you see? I see an unusual intimacy – a love that is profoundly passionate and deeply rooted. The uniqueness of the love of the Creator for the only creation made in His own image and likeness is undoubtedly apparent. Yes, from the beginning, we see a God that is so very powerful yet so very gentle. Speaking galaxies into being, yet caringly and lovingly breathing Adam into being. Creating everything for Adam’s comfort and pleasure even before placing him in the Garden. God’s and Adam’s beautiful relationship produced harmony in the Garden.

That same God, Who is powerful and gentle, transcendent and intimate, creates and relates, wants to have that relationship with you. He knows you but He longs for you to know Him, to see Him for who He truly is, to be in harmony with Him, and for you to understand what you mean to Him – your value, your worth…

From the Beginning
Shelley Johnson © Tuesday January 2, 2018

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