Monday 1 January 2018

Shall We Begin Again?

The start of a brand new year always prompts us to look back at the year that has passed. We are tempted to look at what we could have done and what we should have done or not done – where we may have been had we just made a different decision.

We try to peer into the future of the present year to see what we could and should do to make things better than before. I guess it’s natural for us to act this way but let us not forget what Apostle Paul advised in Philippians 3:13,

“…I do not have that life yet. But I do one thing. I forget everything that is behind me and look forward to that which is ahead of me.” (NLV)

Beloved, I believe that these words of Paul can be applied to every area of our lives, not just the spiritual. However, spiritually speaking, I believe that if we are to move forward with God, we must begin again in the form of renewing our commitment to Him and our relationship with Him.

We shall begin again by resolving to get to know Who God is, and we can do so by going back to the beginning – Genesis, chapters one and two, to find God in all His glory. To see God from the very start, all over again. Will you join me on this journey of re-discovery?

Shall we begin again?

Shelley Johnson © Monday January 1, 2018

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