Wednesday 3 January 2018

See your Worth and Value

David’s question to God in Psalm 8 verse 4 reads,

“What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of [earthborn] man that You care for him?” (AMPC)

David had been marveling at all the magnificent beauty and absolute wonder of God’s creation that surrounded him when he asked God that question. How often do we do the same thing? We marvel at all the beauty that surrounds us in nature but fail to recognize God’s incredible handiwork in ourselves and each other. His best creative work made in His own image and likeness. We are all too eager to cry down ourselves and others.

Actually I’d dare to say that this world we live in promotes and values a false standard of beauty. A false standard that we must not fall victim to. You and I must remind ourselves that God does not see us as the world does – He has crowned you and me with glory and honour (v. 5). To Him we are more valuable than diamonds, more precious than the finest gold. We are His masterpiece, yes we are, but you don’t have to take my word, for it’s exactly what Paul said to the Ephesians,

“For we are God’s masterpiece.” – Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

The time has come for you to see your worth and value, not from other’s perspective, not even from your own clouded view, but from God’s point of view. In Psalm 139:15 David says that you were carefully woven, bit by bit, intricately sculpted in your mother’s womb. You, my dear, are covered in God’s fingerprints, you are His workmanship. You have intrinsic value and worth. The same God who created the hills and the heavens, the stars, moon and sun, the vast oceans, mountains, flora and fauna and galaxies in all their glorious beauty, created you, His most prized creation. When you appear the mountains and hills burst into song and the trees of the fields clap their hands (Isaiah 55:12).

Who are you that God should be mindful of you and care for you? You are the one whom God so loved that He gave His only Son to die so that you may have Life. 

Almighty God delights in you, He shields you, guards you, and cares for you as the apple of His eye (Deuteronomy 32:10)

Zephaniah 3:17 (ISV) says this about you,

“The Lord your God among you is powerful— He will save and He will take joyful delight in you. In His love He will renew you with His love; He will celebrate with singing because of you.” 

See your Worth and Value
Shelley Johnson © Wednesday January 3, 2018

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