Monday, 31 August 2015
Sunday, 30 August 2015
The Mirror
"A surface that reflects…and produces an image of an object placed in front of it”
“A polished surface that forms images by reflecting light”
“A faithful depiction or reflection”
From these definitions one thing is certain, a mirror reflects. Therefore, when we stand in front of a mirror what we see is a reflection of who we are. It shows us a reflection of ourselves, externally.
Suppose you were given a mirror through which you could see deep inside yourself? A mirror, that reflects who you are on the inside rather than what you look like on the outside? A mirror, that is able to transform you on the inside, change your image and change your life? What would such a mirror be worth to you? Do you think that you could put a price on such a mirror? Do you think that its value can be compared to anything else?
What would you say if I told you that such a mirror already exists? And not only does it exist but that we all have access to this mirror. This is no ordinary, natural mirror but an extraordinary, supernatural mirror.
Let’s take a look in the short but informative letter written by James, Jesus’ brother and a pillar of the early church,
“Whoever listens to the Word but does not put it into practice is like a man who looks in a mirror and sees himself as he is. He takes a good look at himself and then goes away and at once forgets what he looks like.” – James 1:23-24
It is clear, from these two verses, that James is comparing the Word of God to a mirror.
The Apostle Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthians tells us,
“For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly) but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood [by God].” – 1 Corinthians 13:12 (AMP)
Here we see that Paul too is comparing the Living Word of God to that of a mirror – he is actually pointing out the inadequacy of a natural mirror which can only give a blurred reflection.
From these passages of Scripture we can safely deduce that the extraordinary, supernatural mirror I mentioned earlier is the Word of God, but not just the Word, it is the Living Word of God.
The Apostle John tells us in 1 John 1:1-2 that Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God – the preexistent Word Who existed before the beginning of time, the One Who became the Incarnate Word and Who exists eternally (see John 1:1-14).
Both James and Paul exhort us to keep focused on the Word of God because it is only when we fix our eyes upon the Word with intent and with purpose that we are transformed. A casual glance into the mirror will reap no benefits or blessings. We must gaze into the Living Word continuously with undivided attention.
“But whoever looks closely into the perfect law that sets people free, who keeps on paying attention to it and does not simply listen and then forget it, but puts it into practice – that person will be blessed by God in what he does.” – James 1:25
Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God is found throughout the pages of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.
We know, from the Apostle John, that both Jesus and the Spirit were with God in the beginning, when God said,
“Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness… So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” – Genesis 1:26, 27
“And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.” – 2 Corinthians 3:18
Note that it is through the power of God’s Spirit that this transformation takes place.
As we are placed in front of the mirror of the Word, the light of the Word is reflected and an accurate image of who we really are is revealed. This self revelation by God’s Living Word depicts what we are by nature and at the same time shows us who we can become. Looking intently at the Word will reunite us with Christ in Spirit, instilling in us all the attributes ascribed to Spirit. At that time, when Jesus looks at us, He will take an account of what He sees and He will see Himself, His own reflection in you and in me.
This miraculous transformation can only happen if we surrender our lives to Christ.
In the book of Exodus, we are told of a man named Bezalel, whom God Himself appointed and filled with the Spirit to perform the job of chief artisan of the Tabernacle of God. One of the items crafted by Bezalel was the laver, a basin that contained liquid for cleansing. The laver was made from the bronze mirrors which belonged to the women who served at the entrance of the Tabernacle.
The mirror is a symbol used in Scripture to denote the supernatural transformation that is possible for us to experience, if we would take heed and conform our lives according to the Word of God (Psalm 119:9).
The Living Word of God is God’s spiritual mirror and until we gaze attentively into that mirror we will forever have a wrong image of ourselves.
Today, do not avert your eyes but keep them fixed on Jesus, the Living Word of God, His spiritual mirror, and you will experience a miraculous transformation from the image of fallen man into the image of God Himself.
The Mirror © 2013 Shelley Johnson 31-Jan-2013
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Intimate Relationship
“…when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go till I had brought him to my mother’s house, to the room of the one who conceived me.” Song of Songs 3:4 (NIV)
This passage of Scripture, in Song of Songs also known as Song of Solomon, points to the type of relationship Jesus Christ desires to share with you.
It’s all well and good to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour but it’s certainly not the climax of your relationship with Him, it’s just the beginning. Choosing to receive Jesus into your heart is just the first step into the relationship. You now have to build your relationship by getting to know Jesus intimately. This is what He desires.
Jesus desires that you get to know Him, learn everything about Him by seizing every opportunity to spend time in His presence.
Jesus is already passionate about you but He wants you to allow His love to penetrate deep into your heart.
Jesus is already passionate about you but He wants you to allow His love to penetrate deep into your heart.
Jesus wants to have alone time with you, no distractions. Jesus wants you to yield to Him. Jesus wants you to demonstrate your love for Him by being obedient to Him (see 2 John 1:6). Do not let willful disobedience get in the way of your relationship with Jesus. Understand that disobedience will cause you to break fellowship with your Beloved Saviour.
Let nothing disrupt your intimate relationship with your Beloved. Put Jesus first in your life! Include Jesus in everything you do and everywhere you go. Take hold of Jesus and never let Him go.
“…I had brought him to my mother’s house, to the room of the one who conceived me” speaks of bringing Jesus into a most intimate place; that place of tender loving care, and warmth – the deepest area of intimacy in your life and of your being. Jesus’ desire is to have all of you. Jesus wants you to let Him in all the way.
“…I had brought him to my mother’s house, to the room of the one who conceived me” speaks of bringing Jesus into a most intimate place; that place of tender loving care, and warmth – the deepest area of intimacy in your life and of your being. Jesus’ desire is to have all of you. Jesus wants you to let Him in all the way.
Intimate Relationship ©2013 Shelley Johnson 10-Jun-13
Friday, 28 August 2015
“Ministers Need our Prayers too”
Apostle Paul, in his letter “to the saints in Ephesus” wrote,
“Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.” [Ephesians 6:19]
And to the Corinthians he wrote,
“…as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.” [2 Corinthians 1:11]
We are to pray for our ministers, preachers, priests, teachers, prophets, missionaries and all others whom God has called, assigned, anointed and ordained, that they will go forth in His power.
“Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.” [Ephesians 6:19]
And to the Corinthians he wrote,
“…as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.” [2 Corinthians 1:11]
We are to pray for our ministers, preachers, priests, teachers, prophets, missionaries and all others whom God has called, assigned, anointed and ordained, that they will go forth in His power.
Apostle Paul exhorted the church to pray for its leaders. And today, nothing has changed; it is our responsibility, as believers, to pray for those whom God has placed to lead us. Understand that when we pray for them, we become spiritually united with them in the job that God has called them to do, through the power of prayer.
Keep in mind that because you are the righteousness of God in Christ your prayers are “powerful and effective” (see James 5:16) and can result in the salvation of many.
Keep in mind that because you are the righteousness of God in Christ your prayers are “powerful and effective” (see James 5:16) and can result in the salvation of many.
Amen †
“Ministers Need our Prayers too” ©2013 Shelley Johnson 19-Jun-13
Thursday, 27 August 2015
“Are You Wise or Are You Foolish?”
Think On This:
“If Jesus Christ was to return today, would He find you wise or would He find you foolish?”
In the Parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew 25:1-13, the virgins symbolize those persons who are aware of Jesus’ promise to return, and so have prepared in some way for His return.
In the Parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew 25:1-13, the virgins symbolize those persons who are aware of Jesus’ promise to return, and so have prepared in some way for His return.
Jesus tells us that there are two categories of persons, those who are foolish and those who are wise. Both groups had put their lamps in order, however, when their lamps began to go out, the foolish virgins were found not to have brought any extra oil to refill their lamps (verses 6-10). The wise virgins, on the other hand, had packed oil enough to keep their lamps aflame.
The foolish virgins’ preparation was merely superficial, so that, even though outwardly they appeared to be well prepared, they were in fact lacking the basic element necessary to fuel the flames of their lamps.
The foolish virgins’ preparation was merely superficial, so that, even though outwardly they appeared to be well prepared, they were in fact lacking the basic element necessary to fuel the flames of their lamps.
These are those persons who seem to be followers of Jesus Christ but who, in faith, have not truly committed their lives to Him. They profess the name of Jesus as Saviour, appear to be doing all the right things but in actual fact have not made Him Lord of their lives.
The virgins considered wise, are those who have genuine faith in Jesus Christ; they have professed Him as their Lord and Saviour, made Him the Lord of their lives and are determined to cultivate a binding relationship with Him.
The virgins considered wise, are those who have genuine faith in Jesus Christ; they have professed Him as their Lord and Saviour, made Him the Lord of their lives and are determined to cultivate a binding relationship with Him.
They have opened their hearts to believe and to receive the Holy Spirit, allowing Spirit to transform their lives by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12:2) and their spirits to be renewed aright (Psalm 51:10) and in so doing prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God for them in His sight.
The wise ones’ faith does not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God (1 Corinthians 2:5). They possess the Divine Light of the Gospel of Christ Jesus which they are constantly shining forth.
Are you fully prepared? Is your lamp constantly burning with the Light of God’s Word? Have you taken [in] enough oil to keep your lamp lit? Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ in a meaningful way? Are you wise or are you foolish?
Are you fully prepared? Is your lamp constantly burning with the Light of God’s Word? Have you taken [in] enough oil to keep your lamp lit? Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ in a meaningful way? Are you wise or are you foolish?
“Are You Wise or Are You Foolish?” ©2013 Shelley Johnson 05-Nov-13
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Are You Asleep?
Are you asleep? Are you leading a life that is completely in the natural physical world, without the benefit of a spiritual influence? Jesus said to His disciples, “…do not let him find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to everyone: Watch!” (Mark 13:36-37)We must “Watch!”, keep alert, wake up – open yourself up to the Truth of the Word of God and guard against the principles of evil; be aware of God’s presence and receive the Life which God Himself has given you. That Life is Jesus Himself. What have you done with the Life God has given to you?
Are You Asleep? ©2012 Shelley Johnson 26-Sept-2012
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
How can I swim upside down?
How can I swim upside down?...I can't. I may try, but, I cannot swim upside down. Just ask my poor gold fish...
I believe that some of us are like this upside down fish. We've accepted Jesus as our Saviour but are still attempting to live as the world lives and we find ourselves struggling to survive; labouring to breathe in an atmosphere to which we no longer belong and in which we can no longer "swim".
When you've reached that point of being upside down in the "tank"...then it's time to get out of the're no longer the fish, you're the fisherman!
"Come follow Me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men...and immediately...they followed Him" - Matthew 4:18-22 (NIV)
"Come follow Me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men...and immediately...they followed Him" - Matthew 4:18-22 (NIV)
How can I swim upside down? ©2012 Shelley Johnson 25-Sept-2012
Monday, 24 August 2015
Throw It Off
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, Hebrews 12:1 (NIV)
On this journey called life, we have important choices to make, the most important being where we want to spend eternity. We can choose to spend it with God or we can choose to spend it with Satan. Keep in mind, eternity has no end date.
If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one hand than to go into the unquenchable fires of hell with two hands. Mark 9:43 (NLT)
If there is anything in your life that’s offensive to, or comes against the will and plan of God for your life, or if there’s anything or anyone that’s not in agreement with or in line with the work God has called you to do, cut it off, sever ties, remove permanently from you, whatever or whoever that may be.
In like manner, if anything or anyone is hindering the divine vision that God has given you, remove it. The life God has so graciously given you is to be respected and not left up to your own whims and fancies, for it is only through His grace that you awake to live another day, so live your days with purpose and intent for the honour and glory of God.
Cutting cords and throwing things off is never easy but is a necessary process along the journey.
On this journey called life, we have important choices to make, the most important being where we want to spend eternity. We can choose to spend it with God or we can choose to spend it with Satan. Keep in mind, eternity has no end date.
If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one hand than to go into the unquenchable fires of hell with two hands. Mark 9:43 (NLT)
If there is anything in your life that’s offensive to, or comes against the will and plan of God for your life, or if there’s anything or anyone that’s not in agreement with or in line with the work God has called you to do, cut it off, sever ties, remove permanently from you, whatever or whoever that may be.
In like manner, if anything or anyone is hindering the divine vision that God has given you, remove it. The life God has so graciously given you is to be respected and not left up to your own whims and fancies, for it is only through His grace that you awake to live another day, so live your days with purpose and intent for the honour and glory of God.
Cutting cords and throwing things off is never easy but is a necessary process along the journey.
Each one of Jesus’ 12 disciples severed ties when called to follow Jesus; Abraham first from his own father, then Lot; Lot’s wife unable to bear the pain of leaving her beloved city, looked back regretfully and turned into a pillar of salt; Moses fled from the only life he ever knew; Joseph was taken from his family for a time; Ruth gave up her native Moab; Gomer threw off a lifestyle of adultery; the sojourning Israelites, told to cut all ties to the Egyptian customs, traditions and practices that they’d adopted, though delivered, complained endlessly and never entered the Land of Promise; Jesus from His hometown of Nazareth, His brothers and sisters.
Yes, it is a difficult and often daunting task but never quit, instead keep your eyes on Jesus, Who, never losing sight of the finish line, began and finished the race despite the utter hardships He faced. Study how He did it through prayer, trust, faith, and hope in an expected outcome.
Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God making intercession for you, rooting for you and egging you on…
Yes, it is a difficult and often daunting task but never quit, instead keep your eyes on Jesus, Who, never losing sight of the finish line, began and finished the race despite the utter hardships He faced. Study how He did it through prayer, trust, faith, and hope in an expected outcome.
Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God making intercession for you, rooting for you and egging you on…
Go! Go! Go! My Holy Spirit in you will help you throw off everything that hinders and cut off the sin that has entangled you! You can do it! I am running the course with you, so don’t give up; keep going, there’s so much beauty at the finish line!
Throw It Off ©2014 Shelley Johnson 22-May-14
Sunday, 23 August 2015
A Spiritual Awakening for Young People
Maybe what we need is a spiritual awakening for young people. We need to introduce them to Jesus through grace and not through law. Some adults take a "big stick" approach to Christianity because that's how they know it to be but I believe that we need to demonstrate that that's not what following Christ is about. It's not about fear and condemnation and guilt, but love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, gentleness, and understanding.
We need to steer young people in the right direction, by opening their eyes to the Truth and Grace that came with Jesus.
We need to speak words that build them up, not tear them down. We need to speak words that bring life into their lives, not death.
Tell them, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."
Tell them, "You are the righteousness of God in Christ."
Tell them, “You are God's beloved son/daughter.”
Tell them, “Nothing can separate you from the love of God.”
Tell them, “Even when you fail, God still loves you.”
Tell them, “ALL your sins are forgiven because of Jesus' perfect sacrifice.”
The Bible tells us that children are a gracious gift from God and a sign of God’s blessings, so let us not despise the youth but instead let’s be examples to them in speech, in conduct, and in love.
Praise God!
We need to steer young people in the right direction, by opening their eyes to the Truth and Grace that came with Jesus.
We need to speak words that build them up, not tear them down. We need to speak words that bring life into their lives, not death.
Tell them, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."
Tell them, "You are the righteousness of God in Christ."
Tell them, “You are God's beloved son/daughter.”
Tell them, “Nothing can separate you from the love of God.”
Tell them, “Even when you fail, God still loves you.”
Tell them, “ALL your sins are forgiven because of Jesus' perfect sacrifice.”
The Bible tells us that children are a gracious gift from God and a sign of God’s blessings, so let us not despise the youth but instead let’s be examples to them in speech, in conduct, and in love.
Praise God!
A Spiritual Awakening for Young People © 2012 Shelley Johnson 18-Oct-2012
Saturday, 22 August 2015
His Grace is Sufficient for you
Throughout your life you will be faced with difficult circumstances from time to time and when these difficulties arise the Lord does not want you to focus on them, instead He has given you the assurance that His grace is sufficient for you, for His power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
So, during the difficult times, look away from the difficulty and fix your eyes and keep them fixed on Jesus for He will empower you, with His all-sufficient grace so that you may have the strength needed to endure the temporary hardship.
So, during the difficult times, look away from the difficulty and fix your eyes and keep them fixed on Jesus for He will empower you, with His all-sufficient grace so that you may have the strength needed to endure the temporary hardship.
Amen †
His Grace is Sufficient for you ©2013 Shelley Johnson 4-Jun-13
Friday, 21 August 2015
Angel Assignment
Are you aware that as a child of God, you are assigned angels to look over you; “to guard you in all your ways”?
There are many believers who, not only doubt but also deny this Truth. But Scripture provides all the evidence you need. Today, take a look at what the Word of God says regarding angel assignment.
See Psalm 91:11 (NLT),
For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go.
What a promise! God Himself assigns His angels to you…wherever you go! So you, as God’s beloved child, have His Holy Spirit within you and angels assigned to protect you wherever you go. One working internally, others externally, and all at the same time. You are well covered.
Now, take a look at Psalm 34:7 (ERV),
The Lord’s angel builds a camp around His followers, and He protects them.
They build an encampment! That’s fortification! Oh what protection God provides! Your God desires your safety from attacks of the enemy. One translation of this same verse says,
God’s angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray. (MSG)
Picture yourself in prayer with a host of angels surrounding you. Rest assured that even when you’re praying, you are under His protection.
One more, Hebrews 1:14 (AMP),
Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?
God’s angels are sent to be of service to you, to help you, attend to your needs and to carry out specified orders…and this is for every believer in Christ Jesus.
Throughout the Bible, the evidence is clear. Angels are all around you. You may not see them but they certainly see you.
Investigate for yourself and thank God for the unfathomable concern and love He has for you that He should be so mindful of you and care for you.
There are many believers who, not only doubt but also deny this Truth. But Scripture provides all the evidence you need. Today, take a look at what the Word of God says regarding angel assignment.
See Psalm 91:11 (NLT),
For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go.
What a promise! God Himself assigns His angels to you…wherever you go! So you, as God’s beloved child, have His Holy Spirit within you and angels assigned to protect you wherever you go. One working internally, others externally, and all at the same time. You are well covered.
Now, take a look at Psalm 34:7 (ERV),
The Lord’s angel builds a camp around His followers, and He protects them.
They build an encampment! That’s fortification! Oh what protection God provides! Your God desires your safety from attacks of the enemy. One translation of this same verse says,
God’s angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray. (MSG)
Picture yourself in prayer with a host of angels surrounding you. Rest assured that even when you’re praying, you are under His protection.
One more, Hebrews 1:14 (AMP),
Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?
God’s angels are sent to be of service to you, to help you, attend to your needs and to carry out specified orders…and this is for every believer in Christ Jesus.
Throughout the Bible, the evidence is clear. Angels are all around you. You may not see them but they certainly see you.
Investigate for yourself and thank God for the unfathomable concern and love He has for you that He should be so mindful of you and care for you.
Angel Assignment ©2014 Shelley Johnson 5-May-14
Thursday, 20 August 2015
“All Must Be Well”
"For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you," says the Lord, "thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." – Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP)
These words of the Lord are part of a letter written by Jeremiah to the Jews exiled in Babylon. They are God’s own words of encouragement to a people in captivity. By clinging to these words of encouragement, you too can make the best of your less-than-pleasant circumstances. Understanding that God’s intention toward you is for the best outcome, gives you hope and courage to endure these temporary afflictions.
During seasons of exile, God commands you to live a normal life, seek Jesus’ gift of peace, determine to bear good fruit, remain prayerful, promote the welfare of others and hold no counsel with ungodly prophets and seers. God wants you to be patient – His timing is right. God wants you to trust Him with your future – His plans never fail.
Remember always that God loves you, God is thinking about you constantly, God cares for you, and God’s plan for your life is a perfect plan.
So, do not fear the future, instead face each day meditating on the words of Jeremiah 29:11, remembering also that "Though we pass through tribulation, All will be well; . . .Happy, still in God confiding, Fruitful, if in Christ abiding, Holy, through the Spirit's guiding, …expect a bright tomorrow…Faith can sing through days of sorrow…Jesus every need supplying…All must be well" (Mary B. Peters).
These words of the Lord are part of a letter written by Jeremiah to the Jews exiled in Babylon. They are God’s own words of encouragement to a people in captivity. By clinging to these words of encouragement, you too can make the best of your less-than-pleasant circumstances. Understanding that God’s intention toward you is for the best outcome, gives you hope and courage to endure these temporary afflictions.
During seasons of exile, God commands you to live a normal life, seek Jesus’ gift of peace, determine to bear good fruit, remain prayerful, promote the welfare of others and hold no counsel with ungodly prophets and seers. God wants you to be patient – His timing is right. God wants you to trust Him with your future – His plans never fail.
Remember always that God loves you, God is thinking about you constantly, God cares for you, and God’s plan for your life is a perfect plan.
So, do not fear the future, instead face each day meditating on the words of Jeremiah 29:11, remembering also that "Though we pass through tribulation, All will be well; . . .Happy, still in God confiding, Fruitful, if in Christ abiding, Holy, through the Spirit's guiding, …expect a bright tomorrow…Faith can sing through days of sorrow…Jesus every need supplying…All must be well" (Mary B. Peters).
“All Must Be Well” © 2014 Shelley Johnson 11-Apr-14
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
A Bow and A Crown
I looked, and there before me was a white horse. The rider on the horse held a bow and was given a crown… (NIV)
In John’s vision of Revelation 6:2, John tells us that he was shown a white horse and the rider of this horse carried a bow, but he does not give us any details about the arrows for this bow. So what kind of bow is this without arrows? Clearly it’s not a weapon that the rider held, but a bow as for a gift.
John continues by telling us that the rider was given a crown. Where else in the Bible can we find mention of a crown? Everywhere, from beginning to end – from Genesis to Revelation – but let’s choose just one to look at,
2 Timothy 2:5 (NIV)
Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor's crown except by competing according to the rules.
The crown the rider was given was the victor’s crown, for Revelation 6:2 ends with …He rode out to defeat the enemy and win the victory.
Friends, the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6:2 is Jesus Christ. Jesus competed according to the rules – the instruction of the Holy Spirit and the will of the Father. Through His obedience “to the rules” Jesus defeated the enemy and gained the victory over sin and death on our behalf.
Jesus paid the price for our salvation by sacrificing His Life. Now we can lay claim to this wonderful Gift. Jesus wears the crown of victory and we too can receive the victor’s crown by competing according to the rules. And, when we do, we will take hold of a bow and a crown and spread the Good News of Salvation.
In John’s vision of Revelation 6:2, John tells us that he was shown a white horse and the rider of this horse carried a bow, but he does not give us any details about the arrows for this bow. So what kind of bow is this without arrows? Clearly it’s not a weapon that the rider held, but a bow as for a gift.
John continues by telling us that the rider was given a crown. Where else in the Bible can we find mention of a crown? Everywhere, from beginning to end – from Genesis to Revelation – but let’s choose just one to look at,
2 Timothy 2:5 (NIV)
Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor's crown except by competing according to the rules.
The crown the rider was given was the victor’s crown, for Revelation 6:2 ends with …He rode out to defeat the enemy and win the victory.
Friends, the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6:2 is Jesus Christ. Jesus competed according to the rules – the instruction of the Holy Spirit and the will of the Father. Through His obedience “to the rules” Jesus defeated the enemy and gained the victory over sin and death on our behalf.
Jesus paid the price for our salvation by sacrificing His Life. Now we can lay claim to this wonderful Gift. Jesus wears the crown of victory and we too can receive the victor’s crown by competing according to the rules. And, when we do, we will take hold of a bow and a crown and spread the Good News of Salvation.
Amen †
A Bow and A Crown ©2014 Shelley Johnson 22-May-14
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
10 Things to Remember
As you go through your day, here are 10 things to remember…
remember that Jesus Christ sacrificed His life for you…that is love! (1 John 3:16)
remember that God is Love (1 John 4:8, 16)
remember to worship instead of worry (Philippians 4:4-9)
remember that you have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7)
remember to choose faith over fear (Mark 5:36)
remember that God is faithful even when you are faith-less (2 Timothy 2:13)
remember to thank God in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
remember that nothing is too difficult for God (Jeremiah 32:27)
remember to praise God continuously…there’s dynamite in praise (Psalm 34:1)
remember that if God calls it done, it is done! (Isaiah 55:11)
10 Things to Remember © 2014 Shelley Johnson 19-May-14
Monday, 17 August 2015
Being Thankful
Being thankful is not an option. It is God’s will for our lives, “…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you…” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV).
Being Thankful – can you imagine what might be accomplished if an entire country came together on a particular day to give thanks to God? United in one accord? Gratitude affects every area of your life - this is a message that is seen throughout the Word of God.
“Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Ephesians 5:19, 20 (NIV)
When we are grateful in everything, and we say so (Psalm 100:4), it touches the heart of God.
When we are full of thankfulness we are actually acknowledging that it is not our efforts that produce blessings and prosperity in our lives. When we are thankful we are acknowledging God as our source. Giving thanks to Him keeps us humble, not pride-full. Giving thanks to Him keeps us God-centered, not self-centered.
From today, let us purpose in our hearts and minds to be thankful everyday…it’s not too late to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
Being Thankful ©2012 Shelley Johnson 22-Nov-12
Sunday, 16 August 2015
Take the IM out of Impossible
What happens when you take the I and the M out of IMPOSSIBLE?
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God" - Mark 10:27 (NIV)
Beloved, all things, not some, not a few, not certain, not these, not those - ALL things are possible with God.
In our humanness we experience the burden of limitation:
I'm not able
I'm too weak
I'm not educated enough
I'm too old
I'm too young
I'm in a dead end situation
I'm not in a position to...
I'm in debt
I'm not that smart
But if we remove the limitation of Self and entrust all to God the result will be more than we can ever imagine.
Remove the I'm of who you are and focus on who God is. God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM" and God is saying to you today, "I AM POSSIBLE" (Exodus 3:14).
With you, the IM makes the possible IM-POSSIBLE, but with God, the I AM, everything is POSSIBLE.
Like your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, say with confidence, faith and trust, "Abba, Father...everything is possible for You..." (Mark 14:36)
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God" - Mark 10:27 (NIV)
Beloved, all things, not some, not a few, not certain, not these, not those - ALL things are possible with God.
In our humanness we experience the burden of limitation:
I'm not able
I'm too weak
I'm not educated enough
I'm too old
I'm too young
I'm in a dead end situation
I'm not in a position to...
I'm in debt
I'm not that smart
But if we remove the limitation of Self and entrust all to God the result will be more than we can ever imagine.
Remove the I'm of who you are and focus on who God is. God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM" and God is saying to you today, "I AM POSSIBLE" (Exodus 3:14).
With you, the IM makes the possible IM-POSSIBLE, but with God, the I AM, everything is POSSIBLE.
Like your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, say with confidence, faith and trust, "Abba, Father...everything is possible for You..." (Mark 14:36)
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