Monday 24 August 2015

Throw It Off

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, Hebrews 12:1 (NIV)

On this journey called life, we have important choices to make, the most important being where we want to spend eternity. We can choose to spend it with God or we can choose to spend it with Satan. Keep in mind, eternity has no end date.

If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one hand than to go into the unquenchable fires of hell with two hands. Mark 9:43 (NLT)

If there is anything in your life that’s offensive to, or comes against the will and plan of God for your life, or if there’s anything or anyone that’s not in agreement with or in line with the work God has called you to do, cut it off, sever ties, remove permanently from you, whatever or whoever that may be.

In like manner, if anything or anyone is hindering the divine vision that God has given you, remove it. The life God has so graciously given you is to be respected and not left up to your own whims and fancies, for it is only through His grace that you awake to live another day, so live your days with purpose and intent for the honour and glory of God.

Cutting cords and throwing things off is never easy but is a necessary process along the journey. 

Each one of Jesus’ 12 disciples severed ties when called to follow Jesus; Abraham first from his own father, then Lot; Lot’s wife unable to bear the pain of leaving her beloved city, looked back regretfully and turned into a pillar of salt; Moses fled from the only life he ever knew; Joseph was taken from his family for a time; Ruth gave up her native Moab; Gomer threw off a lifestyle of adultery; the sojourning Israelites, told to cut all ties to the Egyptian customs, traditions and practices that they’d adopted, though delivered, complained endlessly and never entered the Land of Promise; Jesus from His hometown of Nazareth, His brothers and sisters.

Yes, it is a difficult and often daunting task but never quit, instead keep your eyes on Jesus, Who, never losing sight of the finish line, began and finished the race despite the utter hardships He faced. Study how He did it through prayer, trust, faith, and hope in an expected outcome.

Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God making intercession for you, rooting for you and egging you on…
Go! Go! Go! My Holy Spirit in you will help you throw off everything that hinders and cut off the sin that has entangled you! You can do it! I am running the course with you, so don’t give up; keep going, there’s so much beauty at the finish line!

Throw It Off ©2014 Shelley Johnson 22-May-14

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