Sunday 23 August 2015

A Spiritual Awakening for Young People

Maybe what we need is a spiritual awakening for young people. We need to introduce them to Jesus through grace and not through law. Some adults take a "big stick" approach to Christianity because that's how they know it to be but I believe that we need to demonstrate that that's not what following Christ is about. It's not about fear and condemnation and guilt, but love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, gentleness, and understanding.

We need to steer young people in the right direction, by opening their eyes to the Truth and Grace that came with Jesus.

We need to speak words that build them up, not tear them down. We need to speak words that bring life into their lives, not death.

Tell them, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."

Tell them, "You are the righteousness of God in Christ."

Tell them, “You are God's beloved son/daughter.”

Tell them, “Nothing can separate you from the love of God.”

Tell them, “Even when you fail, God still loves you.”

Tell them, “ALL your sins are forgiven because of Jesus' perfect sacrifice.”

The Bible tells us that children are a gracious gift from God and a sign of God’s blessings, so let us not despise the youth but instead let’s be examples to them in speech, in conduct, and in love.

Praise God!

A Spiritual Awakening for Young People © 2012 Shelley Johnson 18-Oct-2012

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