Sunday 5 June 2016

A Declaration for Today

Today Lord, I step into the cleansing and the new life You have given me. I receive with gladness Your wonderful gift of restoration.

Today Lord, I choose to reject thoughts that do not line up with the Word of God – thoughts of chaos, confusion, condemnation, accusation, guilt, fear, failure, lack, defeat, discouragement, doubt, and any other negative, destructive and unproductive thoughts and ideas. 

Today, I decree and declare, that I am accepted in the Belovéd as God’s own child, having God-pleasing faith because I believe that God exists and I believe His Word regardless of my feelings.

So, today, I choose to believe that there is hope for my life, that God’s best is what’s in store for me, that God’s road of humility is better than my highway of pride, that God’s restoration is more important than my reputation, that God has truly forgiven me, and that by the blood of Jesus, Satan’s head was crushed – he is utterly defeated and sin has no control over me.

That is why today, I confidently declare, that I choose faith over fear; faith in God and His goodness, for God is constantly working with me, for me, and in me and I know that He is able to finish the good work that He started in me, to make what seems impossible possible in my life because absolutely nothing is impossible with my wonderful, awesome, loving, gracious God.

Today, I boldly declare that I am His and He is mine, in Jesus name, Amen†

A Declaration for Today ©2014 Shelley Johnson 28-Oct-2014

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