Wednesday 1 June 2016

Create A Treasure Map

Yesterday’s blog post spoke of using your imagination – your ability to see with your inner eyes, to picture things on the inside. We don’t understand just how important it is to visualize things and have a perfectly clear picture of where we want to be and what we’d like to have in life. 

For some of us depending on our imagination alone is not enough, we need to physically see what we’ve imagined. There is a way to do just that by creating a Treasure Map. A Treasure Map is a detailed pictorial of what you’re already imagining. I was introduced to this concept by my mother many years ago as a teenager. Then, I’d created a simple map on a small sheet of cardboard but as small and as simple as it was, it still proved effective.

Ever since then I realized that it helps to put your vision on paper. You get the best of both by utilizing your inner eyes and your physical eyes. Even an architect creates a blueprint of what he had first visualized internally – his imagination on paper. Your Treasure Map is like an architect’s blueprint and its focal point is the Lord. After all “the earth and everything in it…belong to the Lord” (Psalm 24:1). 

Here are the things you’ll need to create your own Treasure Map:

  • A photo of Jesus, the word Jesus or Lord or God to be used as the focal point of your map
  • Cut out colour photos from magazines or even your own photos, of whatever you’ve imagined 
  • A sheet of Bristol board 
  • Glue
  • Pen or maker
  • Relevant Scripture verses, inspirational quotes, and your own declarations from Scripture

Here’s how to create your Treasure Map:

  1. Glue the photo of Jesus, the word Jesus or Lord or God at the centre of the sheet of Bristol board.
  2. Arrange the other photos around the focal point, when you’re satisfied, glue them onto the board as well
  3. Finally, write the relevant Scripture verses, inspirational quotes, and personalised declarations from Scripture under and or around the photos

    (Please know that you can create your map in a notebook, on copy paper or even on your computer.)

That’s it, you’ve just created a Treasure Map…it’s that simple. Now see your imagination become your reality. 

Create A Treasure Map Shelley Johnson 01-Jun-2016

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