Friday 10 June 2016

Be the Peacemaker

Recently, I allowed myself to become very angry. I must admit that I have not experienced such anger in many, many years. Fortunately, I quickly recognized where I was headed and through prayer was able to calm down in a reasonably short time. As I was doing so, this came into my mind,

“Blessed are the peacemakers…”

I knew there was another part but I just could not recall the rest of it, so I reached for my bible. The Gospel of Matthew, I flipped through to the Beatitudes…

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.” 
(Matthew 5:9)

Immediately, I understood what God was telling me. I, as a son of God must be the peacemaker. “Shucks!” I sighed. 

To be called a son of God means that you have died to self with Christ and raised with Him in newness of life – you are in intimate relationship with God through Jesus.

To be called a son of God means living in a way that reflects this relationship.

To be called a son of God means that you are a spiritually mature child of the living God and display the fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit of which peace is an element, for peace is the presence of God and not the absence of conflict.

As a genuine son of God, you are to function as the peacemaker in conflict, following the example the Son of God set for you as the Prince of Peace.

The peacemaker does not deliberately cause ruptures in relationships, they seek to mend what’s broken where possible. 

The peacemaker does not allow anger to get the upper hand but is the one to make peace, be at peace, and overcomes enmity.

The peacemaker is in harmony with God, the Source of peace, and is charged to tell others of the glorious gospel of peace, not just by word but by behaviour, so that they may experience it too through Christ’s redemptive work, Himself our Peace. 

Jesus Christ has afforded each of us the blessing of the peacemaker and the privilege of being called a son of God.

Be the Peacemaker    Shelley Johnson 10-Jun-2016

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