Monday 24 October 2016

A Prayer for Today...

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace and sufficiency hence, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

The Lord’s sufficient grace already abides within you – meditate on this truth, take hold of it and let it sink into your heart, so that you may know the truth and be set free. Know that the third Person of the Trinity is an ever-present Friend. It is only by the work of this Divine One, the Spirit of Grace, in your heart that you are able to appropriate to yourself the infinite fullness of God’s grace, that same grace that came with Christ Jesus (see John 1:17).

Let us pray…

Blessed Spirit of grace, You are with me always, my ever-present Friend. I thank God for You, and for the surpassing grace that I may receive through You – You are all that I need. You, O Holy Spirit, are the power of God that strengthens and empowers me in times of weakness. You are truly God’s indescribable gift – thank You Jesus. 

I now open wide my heart to receive Your grace as I offer this prayer in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, Amen†

A Prayer for Today...   Shelley Johnson 24-10-2016

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