Monday 10 October 2016

A Verse to Cling to…

You know for some people, there is that one Scripture verse that they turn to no matter what they’re going through. Well for me, that verse is Isaiah 41:10. This verse has carried me through some of my darkest moments. Indulge me for just a little while…

It was 23 years ago, I was in a nursing home pregnant for the very first time and terribly ill with no sign that I’d be feeling better any time soon. I was vomiting continuously, nothing I consumed remained in my stomach, not even water, and so this led to other painful complications. 

At that time I was visibly dehydrated, and emaciated. My eyes bulged, my lips were dried white, and my bones ached. I was on drips and on Panadol that had no effect on the pain. I was both physically and emotionally drained and heading downhill fast. So, I prayed and prayed as I lay in that hospital bed, totally dismayed.

And, as I lay praying, a nurse I’d never before seen, walked into the room. She was tall and stately, with an imposing presence. Almost immediately she asked, “When last did you get out of that bed?” Her voice was strong yet gentle, “Come, come, get up. I’m taking you outside for a walk. Can’t stay cooped up in here all day.” 

She helped me up and out of bed. I thought my legs would collapse under me as I stood…the weight of my ballooning belly painfully obvious. As I shuffled along, she patiently guided me into the brightly sunlit reception area. The empty room with its wide open doors was quiet, I could feel my heart filling up with I don’t know what, and an unexpected tear rolled down my bony cheek.

Propping me up on one hand, the tall and stately nurse with the strong yet gentle voice, softly rubbed my back with the other and whispered in my ear, 

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

It was the first time I’d heard that verse, and I cannot begin to tell you the incredible effect those words had on me that day. My Father had spoken to me, for even though she had whispered in my ear, it was He who had spoken. 

Isaiah 41:10 is a verse to cling to. It is God’s voice in your ear during the challenging times of life. He is wherever you are always, so you do not ever have to be afraid. He is your God, so you don’t ever have to feel dismayed. When you are weak, He will give you His strength. Be assured that He is your help in times of trouble and He will hold you up with His hand of blessing and of power so that you will never fall.

A Verse to Cling to…   Shelley Johnson 09-10-2016

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