Wednesday 26 October 2016


Abba, Father, You are the true God and Eternal Life, You are the only One Who is able to keep me from falling, You are greater than my heart, and You know everything.

I thank You for the fellowship I have with You. I thank You for placing Your own Spirit in me so that I do not follow mere natural instincts but I am led by Wisdom and Understanding. Thank You for teaching me how to build myself up in my most holy faith and how to pray in the Holy Spirit. Thank You for teaching me how to keep myself in Your love as I wait for the manifestation of Your promise to me in Christ Jesus.

I believe in my heart what You have said; I have confidence in all Your words and in all Your promises. And I am confident that when I ask anything according to Your will, You hear me. And, I know that I already have what I asked of You.

I know that I am a child of God, born of God through faith in Christ Jesus, Who keeps me safe, and the evil one cannot harm me; Who gives me understanding, so that I may know Him Who is true. I am in Him Who is true – even in His Son Jesus Christ.

I praise You and I thank You O God. I thank You that Your love is made complete in me. I thank You for giving me Your Spirit, so that the One Who is in me is greater than the one who is in the world. I thank You for bringing me out better than I was before. I thank You that the latter is greater than the former.

I give You all the praise and all the glory for this great and wonderful thing You have done in me, through Your love for me – I thank You for loving me. You are my everything.

I offer my prayer in no other name but the name which is above all names, Jesus, my Lord and Saviour, Deliverer, and Redeemer…Amen†

Prayer:    Shelley Johnson 26-Oct-2016

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