Monday 17 October 2016

Still being thankful…

The Gratitude Experiment is almost over and I trust that you’re still being thankful. I know that you may have forgotten from time to time but that’s okay, simply get going again. You see, being thankful is something that you have to do on purpose – it’s a discipline. Actually the Bible calls it a sacrifice. Psalm 50 verse 14 says,

“Let the giving of thanks be your sacrifice to God…” (GNT)

Being thankful has to do with your heart, it’s about sincere gratitude for every single thing in your life including life itself. Sacrifice speaks of surrender and not lip service…after all anybody can say anything and not mean it, but when you sacrifice something, you really mean it.

So, let’s continue to remain thankful through thick and thin, rain or shine, good and bad, for giving thanks is the sacrifice that honours God (Psalm 50:23). Amen†

Still being thankful…   Shelley Johnson 17-Oct-2016

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