Wednesday 6 April 2016

Hardened Toward Unbelief

Our five natural senses condition us to conclude that our prayers are not being answered when we are still in pain, or if we are not seeing any difference in our situation. This can lead to doubt and unbelief. 

Unbelief comes through our natural senses and Jesus said that we can only overcome this by prayer and fasting.

“But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” – Matthew 17:21

Prayer and fasting hardens us toward unbelief and activates the flow of our faith. 

Prayer and fasting brings our physical senses under submission to our spirits and subsequently sensitizes us to the spirit realm by retraining our physical senses to be responsive to what cannot be perceived in the natural. 

So, when you declare, “By His stripes I am healed!”, it will not matter if you feel it, see it, taste it, hear it, or smell it yet, you just know that you know that you know without a doubt that you are healed!

Understand that your body and its senses do not want to relinquish control to your spirit and will attempt to coerce you to quit the fast by preying on your faith, but once you do not give in, you will learn to master your flesh-senses (Romans 8:12-13). 

Fasting, combined with prayer has the power to, overcome unbelief, tear down strongholds, break down barriers, enable great victories, open doors to the spiritual realm, cause revival, restore brokenness, change lives, strengthen our relationship with God, and keep us in faith. 

Hardened Toward Unbelief ©2013 Shelley Johnson 15-Feb-13

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