Friday 25 November 2016

A Prayer For Today…

O Lord, You are the One upon whom no limits can be placed, You cannot be contained, and nothing is impossible for You, for You can do anything – immeasurably more than I can ever ask or imagine. 

Today I pray that You would forgive me for the limits I have placed upon You, thinking of You in my limited human terms and not as the all mighty, omnipotent, omniscient, universe-filling God that You are. 

Cause me to lift up my eyes from the natural realm so that I may truly perceive the spiritual. Teach me the truth of Who You are, the I AM that I AM. 

I long to clearly understand Your invisible attributes, Your divine nature, and to experience Your eternal power, in every area of my life. 

I thank You for Your Spirit in me, my Teacher, Who brings revelation of the truth and for Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who has made reconciliation with You possible through His incomparable sacrifice. 

I pray that I will not yield to temptation, instead I will yield myself to You as never before. Thank You for delivering me from the evil one and keeping me safe under Your protective wings. 

To You who alone are God, my Saviour through Jesus Christ my Lord, all glory, majesty, power, and authority are Yours before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! 

I pray in the powerful and matchless name of Jesus, Amen†

A Prayer For Today… Shelley Johnson 25-Nov-2016

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