Wednesday 9 November 2016

What’s Wrong in the World?

“O how terrible for those who confuse good with evil, right with wrong, light with dark, sweet with bitter. O how terrible for those who think they’re so wise, who consider themselves so clever.” – Isaiah 5:20-21 (VOICE)

What’s wrong in the world…as a people, we’re confused, and in that confusion easily corruptible. Our morality is warped as we have become “swollen with self-importance, and given to loving pleasure more than God” (see 2 Timothy 3)...continually living in a fog of self-induced deception.

What’s wrong in the world…as a people, we are perverted in our thinking because we have not allowed our minds to be renewed, therefore genuine transformation has not taken place and our spiritual foundation is less than stable, so that even as Christians we come up with our own reasoning: looking at evil but declaring it good, engaging in wrong but convinced that it’s right, walking in darkness yet thinking that it is light, tasting bitterness but believing it to be sweet. 

What’s wrong in the world…as a people our hearts are being drawn away from God, our first love. Rather than delighting ourselves in Him, we continue only to delight ourselves in the pleasures of our senses and that turns into sin.

What’s wrong in the world…as a people, we do not seek true wisdom, instead we’ve become wise in our own eyes and clever in our own sight. We put our own spin on the meaning of God’s Word, employing our own wisdom and never seeking the interpretation of the Holy Spirit, from whom the Scriptures were inspired. We think we know but we are fools, biblical fools, trusting in our own minds (see Proverbs 28:26).

What’s wrong in the world…as a people, we are ever so accommodating, quick to compromise and deviate from God’s standards, opting instead to play Russian roulette with our eternal salvation. 

What’s wrong in the world…as a people called Christians, we too often, at the first sign of opposition, step outside of godliness to be in good standing with the world, following its patterns rather than standing strong in the Truth.

What’s wrong in the world…as a people, we profess our Christian faith but we do not speak out against injustice, corruption, deceit, immorality, wickedness, and the things that God hates and detests (see Proverbs 6) but prefer to remain silent not wanting to stir up the enmity and scorn of the world.

What’s wrong in the world…

What’s Wrong in the World?    Shelley Johnson 09-Nov-2016

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