Friday 11 November 2016

When you Meditate on it, you Magnify it

“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways…Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!” (Psalm 119:15; 34:3 ESV)

Disappointments of any size can cause deep and lingering hurt but you can put a halt to its staying power. Yes, I agree that it’s easier said than done but it is something that has to be practiced. Putting a halt on hurt that has the potential to linger on for years and years has to be done with purposeful determination, and eventually it will come naturally.

You see, when you meditate on the disappointment, you magnify it, and that causes the hurt that you feel to remain. In that, there’s great danger because this can lead to bitterness, resentment, ire, bad blood, hatred and un-forgiveness. 

“Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, quarreling, and slander be put away from you, along with all hatred.” (Ephesians 4:31 ISV)

We do not realize that it’s not just the big disappointments that affect us but the real danger lies in the various small let downs and frustrations that we cling to – they tend to pile up,  like fallen leaves, one atop the other, and the more they add up, the bigger the mound, and the deeper the wound.

Having a mountain of hurt feelings can wreak havoc in your life, that’s why you have to be single-minded in your pursuit of banking the Word of God in your heart. Meditating on His Word, shifts your focus onto Him and not on those things that cause you to become disheartened, discouraged, and forlorn. When you meditate on God, you will magnify God and not the circumstances of your emotional hurt. 

The choice is always yours, meditate on the disappointment and magnify that which weighs you down, or meditate on God and magnify the One who lifts you up. It’s time to choose.

When you Meditate on it, you Magnify it   Shelley Johnson 11-Nov-2016

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