Friday 18 November 2016

“My Cup Overflows!”

“…my cup overflows. Surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life…” Psalm 23:5,6 (NIV)

If that isn’t a positive affirmation, I don’t know what is.

Imagine yourself, for a moment, filling a large jug with water, then pouring all of that water into a teacup without stopping when the teacup is full. What do you see? 

What if you changed the jug into a hose that’s attached to a fully opened tap. That’s how God wants to bless you. He wants you to experience a continuous source of supply, like gushing water from a tap, always flowing into your cup, filling it up to the brim and then overflowing.

This outpouring of God’s blessings was not and is not exclusively David’s but you too can have a life of Divine favour and grace upon grace, by drinking of the cup of Salvation through Jesus Christ and coming into genuine relationship with Him. David had a genuine relationship with God and was blessed in that relationship.

Beloved, know that God longs to fill every area of your life again and again with His goodness, and His love each day of your life. God’s desire is for you to be pursued by His abundant bountiful provision, always and everywhere no matter where you are.

How wonderful to be the recipient of such a beyond your imagination blessing - far more abundantly beyond all that you ask or think (see Ephesians 3:20). 

Can you see yourself so blessed? 
Can you believe that such a blessing can be yours? 
Will you believe that it is already yours? 

Yes, it can and it will if you just believe, for it is when you believe that you see (John 11:40); it is when you believe that you will have (Matthew 21:22); it is when you speak what you believed, that it is manifested (Psalm 116:10, 2 Corinthians 4:13). 

Your responsibility is to believe, only believe, and to speak, affirming, like David, every day, “My Cup Overflows!”, until you see, until you have, and until it is manifested.

“My Cup Overflows!”    Shelley Johnson 18-Nov-2016

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