Wednesday 23 November 2016


This week Thanksgiving will be observed in the USA. For them, this is a huge celebration – schools close, offices shut down, and people are busy travelling from one state to another to join family and friends for a grand time of food and festivities. For me, a person living outside of the US, looking on at the buzz that happens at this time of the year in the US, forces me to ponder deeply upon the whole concept of giving thanks. 

I look at the terrific effort that is put out this particular week, and the incredible energy that is spent in preparing for this single day of Thanksgiving, and I can’t help but wonder how people’s lives would change for the better if even half of this was done every day of their lives. If people, not just in the USA but people everywhere, on a daily basis, would simply be thankful on purpose.

On August 28th the blog post was, “The Gratitude Experiment”, where I invited you to join with me for three months, 90 days, of being intentionally thankful. Then after that, through blog posts in September and October, I reminded you to remain grateful and to still be thankful. I would admit, that some days I was hard pressed to do so but I made the effort because I knew that being thankful every day, no matter the events of the day, was to my benefit and the benefit of those who I’d come into contact with.

I don’t know how many of you participated but even if you did not for these past 90 days, remember it’s not a limited edition concept, there is no time limit on thanks giving. Be thankful every day, all day. Let God and those around you know just how grateful you are. 

Sometimes we do not recognize all the reasons why we ought to be giving thanks but even if you don’t, trust me, there is always a reason, so give thanks anyway.


Thanksgiving Shelley Johnson 23-Nov-2016

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