Tuesday 15 November 2016

When you know what’s Right, do Right

Hosea 4:6 says,

“My people are ruined because they don’t know what’s right or true. Because you’ve turned your back on knowledge…”

Okay, to be fair, if you don’t know what’s right then you can’t do right. But how can you know what’s right? God’s Word – in it you will learn God’s will and His ways and what’s right, in His eyes. In God’s Word you’ll learn about Jesus, how He lived, what He taught and what He has done so now there’s no need for any of us to ever again be destroyed or “ruined because they don’t know what’s right or true”.

The problem is, like most people, you think you already know what’s right and you don’t just turn your back on knowledge, you actively reject it. When you refuse to even thumb through a Bible and heaven forbid that you should step foot in a church because “I know all that already, I don’t need to go to church, there’s nothing anybody could tell me that I don’t already know; yes, I read my Bible once a year, I don’t understand it but I read it…” 

Believing that you know it all is pride, another topic for another day but for today, be reminded “First pride, then the crash— the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.” (Proverbs 16:18 MSG) Just saying…

We often believe we know what’s right but human reasoning can be quite flawed so, in order to avoid that, we need to turn to the Bible. If you did not already know, the Bible is the handbook for every topic we could ever imagine, but if you don’t read it, you won’t know and when you don’t know you become an easy target for Satan. Yes, because, he is the deceiver and when you do not know the truth, you will believe his lies, and when you believe the lies you’ll live a sin-filled life of misery which will ultimately lead to your ruin.

Remember, where there’s no vision – divine revelation of truth – people perish (see Proverbs 29:18). God’s Word is that revelation of truth. Ask God to give you a yearning for knowledge, and a strong desire to study and understand His Word of truth so that you will know what’s right and therefore able to do right.

As Jesus said in John 13:17 (ERV), 

“If you know these things, great blessings will be yours if you do them.”

When you know what’s Right, do Right    Shelley Johnson 15-Nov-2016

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