I would like
to begin today’s devotion with probably the most well-known Bible verse,
“For God so
loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in
Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Yes, God
gave us Jesus, each one of us, out of an incredible selfless act of love…I
would like to suggest that we meditate and chew on that for a little more than
a moment.
Too often we
drift through Advent somewhat anesthetized, setting our sights more on
Christmas day and getting caught up in the bustle of pre-Christmas shopping,
preparing only for that day of celebration rather than the preparation for
which Advent is purposed.
The Season
of Advent, the time between All Saints’ Day and Christmas Eve, does not simply mark
the run-up to Christmas Day, it is the time between the times when we
expectantly wait in hope for the promised return of our Lord Jesus, who came,
who comes, and who will come again.
Okay, I know
that you must be wondering “Why bring this up now? Advent is long gone, and Christmas
done.” But why not now?
The season
of Advent is two-fold. It is a looking forward to Jesus’ second coming and a
looking back to the incarnation.
Cyril of
Jerusalem, a theologian of the early church stated,
“There is a
birth from God before the ages, and a birth from a virgin at the fullness of
time…a hidden coming and a coming…before all eyes, in the future.”
Luke, in the
very first chapter of his gospel, tells us that God Himself is about to enter
this world and sends a heavenly messenger to an obscure young woman, a virgin,
to inform her that she has been chosen to bear a child, God’s own child. But
not just the Son of God but God Himself.
Upon hearing
this incredible message, Mary exhibits expressions of shock, awe, wonder,
gratitude, and great resolve as she allows what is to happen with her, in her,
to her, and through her to sink in and digest.
completely focused on God, and in anticipation of this unimaginable miracle to
be wrought through her womb, Mary, her mouth, filled with laughter and her
tongue with shouts of joy, rejoices and celebrates by blessing Him.
Unable to
contain the spirit of praise that sprung up within her, Mary burst into song, as
recorded in Luke 1:46-55. As it is written,
And Mary said,
“My soul
magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has looked
with favour on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all
generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for
me, and holy is his name. His mercy is for those who fear him from generation
to generation. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud
in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their
thrones and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things and
sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of
his mercy, according to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to
his descendants forever.”
Her song of
praise is a song of love to the Lord, her yet unborn child, the child to come,
Jesus. A song that not only speaks of her intimate knowledge of the Scriptures,
but also her faith in, devotion to, and love of, God.
Seen as no
one special in her own eyes, for God to use her to bring the greatest gift to
humankind, was worthy of her praise. It was all about God, not about her, for
there is no room for pride in authentic love, no room for despair, only praise.
Love is the
unbroken thread woven through every stanza of Mary’s heartfelt song of praise
to the God whom she knew and from whom she found favour. Her song is evidence
that she embraced the remarkable responsibility of birthing the impossible, God’s
love personified.
Christ, left
us so many practical examples of His love, through kindness, serving others,
forgiveness, but nothing reveals God’s love more fully than the giving of
Himself in sacrifice.
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Cerro San Cristóbal Santiago Chile |
Yes, the
Season of Advent is long gone, Christmastime is over, even Epiphany has passed
and though we are now in the Season of Ordinary Time, beloveds, times aren’t
ordinary so let us recall Jesus’ first coming in anticipation of His second. Let
us, like Mary, relinquish our own desires, and allow God to draw us more deeply
into the love that the incarnation reveals, with the blessed assurance that just
as Christ came in love the first time, undoubtedly Christ is coming to bring
love the second time in the consummation of all things, His final victorious
act of Love...
Let us pray,
God of
extravagant, persistent, unbounded sacrificial love, in this season of so-called
Ordinary Time, teach us to give ourselves in joyful service, renew our spirits
and strengthen our confidence in You, so that we may truly learn to walk in
self-giving love.
May we
strive to live as an Advent people, cantered on the wonder of incarnation, on
the hope of Christ coming, stretched to deeper faith, to higher hope, and to
broader love, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Johnson “Christ is coming…To Bring Love” © November 3, 2021
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