Coming out of the previous beatitudes, Jesus’ next pronouncement seemed a natural flow to the course.
To the gathered crowd He said,
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.”
(Mathew 5:7 NRSV)
This verse draws our attention to the reciprocal nature of
You will feel true contentment when you show mercy to others, and it will come back to you, not just from man but more importantly, from God.
Jesus is challenging the hearts of all men because as a
people, we are not naturally merciful but as a reborn child of God, when the
Son of Righteousness’ rays of grace and mercy shine on you, and in you, melting the once-frozen heart, then
that same grace and mercy will shine forth from your newly created self.
Having a heart for God is having a heart that melts in
mercy. A heart that melts in mercy will guide the lost wanderer, will bolster
the weak, will lift up those who have fallen and will tend to the wounded,
without expecting anything in return.
When you recognize,
- your own spiritual impoverishment
- your need for the Comforter
- that without God you are and have nothing
- your yearning for spiritual sustenance
only then will you be able to express god-like mercy to
The merciful heart is full of compassion towards others. Mercy
is not rooted in externals but produced deep within the faithful, authentic
followers of Christ, who cry tears of contrition upon recognizing their own
pitiful conditions, and God shows them mercy. He delights in doing so. (see
Micah 7:18 NIV)
God extended great mercy toward us when He gave us His beloved Son. If we were to receive exactly what we deserve, then heaven help us. Lord ha’ mercy!
In Psalm 103:8 we read,
"The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love."
God, abounding in steadfast love, has made His mercy
available to everyone who wishes to receive mercy. God can withhold His mercy
if He chooses but doesn’t. Mercy, mercy, mercy on me!
With His words, Jesus, yet again, invites you to experience makarios,
true contentment, in being merciful. It is available to you, all you need do is
accept the invitation, embrace the gift and apply it in your life. This too is part of the Kingdom of
heaven experience now and forever.
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23 NRSV)
Shelley Johnson “Mercy Mercy Mercy!” © January 24, 2025
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