Jesus’ next declaration is like a highway with many
subsidiary roads and loop routes. The directions we can take are many, but we
will traverse one particular access road.
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”
(Matthew 5:5 NRSV)
I’d like you to note that some translations say "inherit the land". And I
mention this not just as trivia but because it bears significance. You see, as
was mentioned before, Jesus’ audience knew the Scriptures well. At synagogue,
when the Rabbi quoted even a line, they could fill in the rest. So, these words
would have jogged the memories of those listening to Jesus.
Psalm 37:9, 11 and 29 say,
For the wicked shall be cut off, but those who wait for
the Lord shall inherit the land.
But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves
in abundant prosperity.
The godly shall inherit the land and live in it forever.
Here we can clearly see the inextricable connection between
the meek, and the godly. To be meek, is to be godly, desiring God’s will to
take precedence in your life, surrendering to Him, relying wholeheartedly upon
Him. Sounds familiar? The “poor in spirit”, “those who mourn”? Can you see the
thread that is weaving through these beatitudes?
Yet again you see the need to relinquish your
self-sufficient attitude. To come out from under that bondage of human effort
and religious works and spiritually step into what God has for you, your
inheritance, not just in the future but even right now, today. You are
“blessed” now.
Adam was given dominion over the earth, all the land, but he
lost it in his utter disobedience to God. He forsook his inheritance, and that
loss affected all of us. However, through Jesus Christ, known as the Second
Adam, that inheritance has been fully restored.
What was granted to the first Adam has been given back to us
but in greater measure since we have the opportunity to abide in Jesus and He
in us. Being in and of Him, we acquire His divine nature which involves
inheritance, an inheritance bought for every one of us through His shed Blood
at Calvary.
This inheritance has nothing to do with any contrived
meekness but through the meekness instilled within us by the Holy Spirit, The
Comforter, as an element of the fruit of the spirit in the form of gentleness
(see Galatians 5:22-23). It is the Meekness of Christ replicated in those who
become partakers of His divine nature (see Philippians 2:6-8).
Inheritance speaks of God’s blessings, it is a sign of belonging, a reflection of our new identity in Christ and is symbolic of a place of security within His Kingdom (see Luke 12:32).
May we fully apprehend this amazing Truth as we chew on this
throughout the day.
Shelley Johnson “Inheritance” © January 22, 2025
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