Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Makarios in Persecution?

Painting of Zan by Lennox Robinson

When my great nephew, Zan, was a toddler, anything that, to him, appeared to be nonsensical, for instance, if a parrot was perched on his shoulder, he would exclaim, “What madness is this?”

Well Jesus’ final beatitude elicits the same exclamation from me, “What madness is this?!!!”

“Blessed are those who are persecuted…”

Makarios in persecution seems illogical, oxymoronic at best. Where’s the true contentment, the genuine happiness, the joy in that? But Jesus did not end there, He continues with,

“…for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Okay, okay, I can deal with that. Does not appear to be nonsensical now. And following, in verse 11, Jesus, primarily addressing His disciples, goes on to say,

“Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.”

The Message translation says it best,

“…count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don’t like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.”

Makarios in persecution makes more sense now, doesn’t it?

Paul’s charge to Timothy included this,

 “Indeed, all who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12 NRSV)

Yes, it’s a little scary, especially if you’ve just begun your journey. But don’t be afraid, keep walking in His strength and the Lord will rescue you from all of them (v 11)

When people revile you, gossip about you, tell lies about you, speak badly of you (bad talk you), it is evidence that you are on the right track, that you are a citizen of the Kingdom of heaven…your passport says diplomat! Be glad and rejoice! 

Let them talk, let them scoff, let the haters hate; you all up in the Kingdom, Father and Son walking alongside you and Holy Spirit dwelling inside you. Amen? Amen!

While you’re being a peacemaker, they’re stirring up discord? While you’re cultivating a pure heart, their hearts are full of “deceit and desperately wicked”. While you’re being merciful, they’re being cruel and ruthless. While you are yearning for and receiving spiritual sustenance, they’re spiritually starved and dehydrated. While you are walking in humility, they’re puffed up with self-exaltation and “swollen with conceit”. While you are emptying your-self, surrendering to God, they are busy with the "self" – endlessly self-centred, vindictive, spiritually blind and unresponsive to Jesus.

So yes, suffer the hurt, suffer the rejection of family and the loss of friends, for Christ’s sake…endure it all because God is counting you worthy to suffer dishonour for the Name (see Acts 5:41)

Relationships cannot mean more to you than your relationship with Jesus (see Matthew 10:37; 12:46-50; Luke 14:26)

Draw from David’s wise advice as it is written in Psalm 37…

Do not fret because of evildoers (v 1), trust in the Lord and do good (v 3), delight yourself in the Lord (v 4), commit your way to the Lord…He will act ( v 5), be still and wait patiently for Him (v 7), refrain from anger and forsake wrath (v 8), obey Him (v 34), and take refuge in Him (v 40).

There are too many people shouting “Hosanna!” when they see the palm branches but scamper away at the sight of a challenge. Too many, who say they believe, and profess their faith but are unwilling to go the distance – they are not prepared to suffer for Him or be inconvenienced in any way whatsoever for Him.

Understand that this persecution is not meant to consume you but is in fact a refining fire. (see Isaiah 48:10)

Beloved, the point is, that no matter how difficult this spiritual walk may become, living for the Lord is worth it. 

All these godly attributes that Jesus prescribes in His Beatitudes to the gathered crowd and His disciples, including us, are to make us recognize our need for Jesus Christ, our Saviour.


Shelley Johnson “Makarios in Persecution?” © January 27, 2025



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