Friday, 17 January 2025

The Big Stick Approach

 “You young people!!!” was how the preacher started her sermon, shouting in decibels not easily measured, she glared at the youngsters in the congregation at the Youth Service.

It was at that point I believe the young people stopped listening. I looked first at my two teenaged children seated next to me, they certainly had, as I’m sure did the others who were scattered throughout the church.

How to lose your members in 3 seconds or less should have been the title of her sermon.  She continued her onslaught. Condemning, chastising, blaming, as far as she was concerned there was no such thing as innocent until proven guilty. In her eyes, every one of these teens and pre-teens were all guilty of all the “crimes” she was accusing them of.

“Sinners!!!” she screamed, stressing unnecessarily on the second n and the last s.

“We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), including you up there behind the pulpit” I was so tempted to scream that back at her.

Trying to frighten people into salvation is never a good idea. The Word of God clearly states that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus and not by our own efforts or works (Ephesians 2:8-9)

The big stick approach will always make people feel utterly condemned and outside the reach of Jesus Christ and what He purposed on the cross. The big stick approach makes people feel that there is no point in salvation since they can’t achieve the unattainable high standards that these preachers claim that God expects.

Preachers who insist on portraying God as an angry, unforgiving, unreachable, abusive, unloving father who you dare not approach are practicing fear-mongering theology. They are not showing us God’s true nature; a loving, caring, forgiving God, full of grace and mercy.

Brandishing their religious big sticks, these fear-mongers distort the Gospel by their continuous perpetuation of this false narrative, not only in their sermons but sometimes in the way they treat others. And sadly, this type of approach is not unique to the clergy but infiltrates the laity as well.

I truly believe that the words and actions of some in church, have caused many people to stay away from church, leave the church, hate anything to do with church, and worst of all, be weary of God as they misunderstand Him and His Word. To these people the Good News is not good.

Beloved, your life does not have to be un-messy for you to qualify for God’s salvation, for it is “while we were still sinners” that Jesus sacrificed His life for you. God meets you where you are and as you are. God has declared a presumption of innocence over you. He has already made you innocent through His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. God is able and willing to make you free!


Shelley Johnson "The Big Stick Approach" © January 16, 2025


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