Friday, 14 February 2025

Don't go back

 I knew a guy, well I still know him, but our friendship has waned. I’ll tell you why.

As I was saying, I know a guy whose life was, more or less, in shambles. Everything was falling apart. Added to that he was frustrated in a relationship that, obvious to everyone but oblivious to him, had run its course. The relationship was toxic for years, and he knew that, but for whatever reason he found it hard to leave.

He was extremely unhappy, and being self-employed, in that emotional state, caused his business to suffer greatly. He found himself on the brink of collapse, both physically and financially. Then one day, he distinctly heard a voice telling him to leave. “Leave and don’t go back” was the urging. He knew for certain that he had heard from God. He left.

He broke off the dead-end relationship and, almost in an instant, everything turned around for him. It was as if that relationship had him, and all that concerned him stuck. It was truly amazing to witness how quickly his entire life made an about turn.

His business grew exponentially. He was doing quite well, happy and in good health. God’s hand was evident.

Then, he went back. What?!!!

Yes, he went back, and as quickly as his life had changed for the better, was as swiftly it degenerated. All the strides he had made went down the drain. Deals crumbled. Friendships were torn asunder (ours fell victim). Things became worse than they were before. 

And, what’s more unbelievable, he married the woman God had told him, in a clear audible voice, to leave. Even though he had undeniable proof that it was God who had spoken, he, after a conversation with said woman and her pastor, was convinced that God was telling him to marry her. Crazy right?

Friends, if God has told you something, then someone comes contradicting it, and you have not heard from God for yourself concerning this new word, then chances are it is not God.

This guy never once sought God himself, instead he just went along with someone else’s instruction. In doing so, he placed their word above God’s.

“Things will get better once you marry her. She will become a different person, you’ll see.” Was the Pastor’s “expert” marital advice. Those words were enough to persuade him to go back into a place from which God had removed him.

“The simple believe everything, but the clever consider their steps.” – Proverbs 14:15 (NRSV)

When God makes a way of escape and tells you, “Leave and don’t go back” unless God has an update, do not go back.

Lot’s wife was told to not look back and she did, not out of curiosity to see the fire and brimstone storm from heaven but she looked back yearning to go back. She became a salt pillar where she stood. Same as my “friend” who is now salty and stuck.

We must always follow God’s instruction. If God tells you to leave and don’t go back, then do just that. Yours may not be a romantic relationship but whatever situation God has taken you out of, whomever God has removed from your life, wherever God has instructed you to leave, don’t go back, don’t even look back. Turn away from it and keep walking.

There are consequences for doing otherwise which are often detrimental. While we can only see what page we are on, God sees the entire chapter, the whole book. He knows what the future holds, and it will augur well for us to pay attention and take heed to His Word.

When God gives you a word and you allow others to convince you otherwise, then you become subject to failure of all kinds.

The guy placed more value on the Pastor’s word because it was a Pastor. A man of God is not God.

Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 (NKJV),

“Test all things; hold fast what is good”

We are to examine all advice, all suggestions, all ideas, all beliefs, all things as to their authenticity. Test them against the standard of God’s Word. Go to God. Ask Him.

There is God’s way and then there is every other way. God’s way is best.

Painting by Kathyann Chevalier

“What a God! His road stretches straight and smooth. Every God-direction is road-tested. Everyone who runs toward him makes it.” – Psalm 18:30 (MSG)

Shelley Johnson “Don’t go back” © February 13, 2025


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