“No one will say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’; because the Kingdom of God is within you.” – Luke 17:21 (GNT)
We’ve been searching for the keys to enter the Kingdom of God;
to live the Kingdom lifestyle and all this time the Kingdom was in our midst,
among us and within us? The Kingdom is here and is ours even now? Where is the
Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God has already come, and it is to come.
Confused? Don’t be.
The Kingdom comes through Jesus Christ, and if you have
already believed, accepted and received then “the Kingdom of God is within you”
Throwing your mind back, you must have had glimpses of it
from time to time, but the time has come for you to experience its
manifestation in your life in a much greater way. Instead of a mere glimpse,
you want a full-blown look, a courtside view.
In a key teaching on the Kingdom, Jesus said,
“Truly I say to you, unless you change and become
like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 18:3 (NASB)
“I have been told that complete mind renewal – heart
transformation and reprogramming included – is the key to the Kingdom but now I’m
to change and become like a child? But I am an adult, I can’t…”
Hold on, yes but why is Jesus using this analogy? What is He
telling us? Jesus is saying that we must regain our ability to think as children
think, not to be childish but to be child-like as in using our imagination.
Adults become logical thinkers; some people even describe
themselves as realists. Adults throw off imaginations and turn to reasoning.
I worked with a guy who would sit at his desk staring off
into a place that was not confined to his cubicle or the office and very often
co-workers would describe him as a dreamer, saying, “He? He is always
daydreaming and not doing his work.” Yet, he had the best results as a Loans
Officer so, one day I decided that I will ask him what on earth he’s doing. His
response was incredible to me. He said that it was not enough to just offer
loans, you had to devise ways to sell these loans and yourself that were not typical,
so he would imagine unconventional ways in which he could do that. I gained a
certain respect for him that day.
Jesus spoke in pictures, His listeners could form pictures
in their minds from everything that He said to them, and it was no different
when He spoke of the Kingdom. Jesus related Kingdom truth in imagery that was
familiar to those listening to Him and to us when we read His Word.
The use of imagery causes us to visually perceive in our
minds, it forces us to use our imagination. Logic and reasoning will not work in
this new land because there will be times when things will not make any logical
sense to you.
You must remain open; harness the power of your imagination
and enrich your mental capacity to see beyond what is directly in your physical
line of sight. Imagination allows us to see things that are ethereal. Stepping
into the landscape of your imagination is walking into the tangible manifestation
of the Kingdom that is within you.
You are entering the other side of the Cross. The side where
heaven begins to pour out the joy of the Presence, the indwelling and the manifestation
of His glory, His goodness, His mercy and His grace in abundance. The "thy
kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven" life that you, as
a believer, is meant to live right here on earth. The Kingdom is a present-day
concept and a future reality as it begins now and continues into the hereafter.
Your hand is on the inner door.
Are we ready, are you ready to go within?
Let’s go!
Shelley Johnson “Where is The Kingdom of God?” © February
22, 2025
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