In the book of Job chapter 23 verse12 we read,
“I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have
treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.”
Job was suffering through a great deal when he uttered these
words, yet his commitment to God was unwavering. He relied on God’s revelation
for his survival, he treasured the words that flowed from God’s mouth and
valued them more than his daily bread.
Job understood that his greatest need was spiritual food.
That was exactly what God was instilling in the Israelites as they were wandering through the desert. He wanted them to hunger for Him and His Word of revelation more than they hungered for food. God was giving them a completely different perspective than what they had become accustomed to while they were slaves in Egypt.
It was necessary that everything Egypt be completely removed
from their psyche, especially the slavish mentality.
What has enslaved you? Who has you in slavery? Perhaps it is
you yourself? How do you see yourself?
“…We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes…” – Numbers
13:33 (NIV)
The Israelites saw themselves as less than, they saw themselves
as small, they saw themselves as grasshoppers; do you?
Think about that for a moment.
You are more than a conqueror. Remember that.
God is ready to take you out of Egypt, however you must be
willing to leave Egypt behind without griping and complaining, and you can
neither bring along your golden calf nor create one. God cannot move you if you
are still full of artifacts and hieroglyphics. Like the Israelites, you have to
become humble enough in order to receive from Him.
The flow from the mouth of God is imparted to us personally but
when we are full of stuff it cannot enter. It’s time to release some things,
let go of other things and empty yourself.
Honestly, it will feel like a trek through the wilderness,
but it is needed to create a humbleness deep within us, to establish a great
dependence on God’s revelation so that we can keep moving forward. Job’s
dependence on God’s daily revelation kept him moving forward until he was free
to receive from God immeasurably more than he had had before his terrible
God’s daily revelation in your life will effect a change that
is life-altering.
God’s daily revelation enlarges our limited thinking
God’s daily revelation shuttles us out of our inherent
complacency toward the abundant life Jesus provides for us
God’s daily revelation takes us from self-reliance to God-dependence
God’s daily revelation will heal the rift in our distorted perspective
God’s daily revelation allows us to take hold of the future
before it even manifests, and enables us to call into being things that are
God’s daily revelation is spiritual food – it sustains us
May we pray every day, “give us this day our daily bread”,
for it is life-giving manna from heaven, our daily revelation from God, it is
our spiritual food.
Amen †
Shelley Johnson “Spiritual Food” © February 15, 2025
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