The Israelites were brought out of Egypt and into the Promised Land, we too must be brought out of our Egypt, and into our Promised Land. However, this isn’t going to happen by wishful thinking. We must first come to the Cross, since it is only by it that we may gain access to this land of promise – the Kingdom.
In other words, there is no Kingdom without the Cross. They
are two sides of the same coin so to speak.
The Cross is double-sided, but we do not realize this and
what happens to most of us is that we remain on the one side, set up residence
there, not understanding that the Cross is the entrance to Kingdom living.
We focus solely on Jesus’ death and forget about His
resurrection. We sing songs lamenting about His Blood, which is indeed precious,
but we forget to rejoice in songs that celebrate His glorious majesty. We are, unknowingly,
building foundations on the wrong side of the Cross, neglecting to recognize
that there is a whole beautiful world of milk and honey awaiting us if we would
simply enter in by way of the Cross.
I dare suggest that perhaps religiosity has made us blind. Some of us are standing at the doorway yet we do not know that it is the doorway. The walls that we’ve subconsciously erected with all our church business has created a fog over everything that Jesus died for on the Cross.
On the one side, the side we are on, there is redemption
through His Blood, but on the other side is where the Kingdom is; it’s where we
find our inheritance; it’s where we are co-heirs with Christ; it’s where we are
seated with Him in heavenly places.
Oh, my goodness! Why have we behaved like the old generation of
Israelites who never entered the Promised Land? The journey was only supposed
to take 11 days. They took 40 years, and that generation was only able to stand
at the entrance, never going in. Today, we have the opportunity to cross over
the threshold, to go beyond the Cross.
Look at Matthew 9:5, Jesus, healing a man, knowing the
questioning hearts of the religious leaders said,
“For which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or
to say, ‘Stand up and walk’?
Do you see it? Do you see the two sides in what Jesus said?
Read it again.
The one side…Redemption
‘Your sins are forgiven,’
The other side…Kingdom
‘Stand up and walk’
Jesus side steps all the religiousness and displays the
aspect of the double-sided cross. He is opening our eyes to see the reality of
the Kingdom.
Apostle Paul also demonstrated this feature of the Cross when
he, describing his mission from Christ said,
I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as
well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to
open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to
light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive
forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified
by faith in Me. – Acts 26:17-18 (NKJV)
I am sure you can see it now.
Jesus’ words to Paul, as His words to the scribes, show that
the Cross is indeed double-sided and, it is clear that, He wants us to enter
into the Kingdom side, for to remain on the other side is to defeat the whole
purpose of the Cross.
It is time for us all to realize that our exodus from Egypt is behind us. Our minds need to be renewed by Holy Spirit transforming power. We need a Kingdom living mindset.
So, are we ready, are you ready to break down the walls of
limitation and cross over by way of the Cross into the new land?
Let’s go!
Shelley Johnson “The Double-Sided Cross” © February 17, 2025
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